Donor Coordination Forum 16 October, 2012
3 key challenges Poverty Social exclusion Functional gaps and system weaknesses in social services
UNICEF Core Roles ‘Voice’ for children and adolescents Monitoring and evaluation: systems, child rights, equity gaps Policy advice and technical assistance Leveraging resources from the public and private sectors Facilitating dialogue towards child friendly social norms Enabling knowledge exchange
Our Approach We work at all government levels: State Entities Cantons Municipalities With a wide range of other partners: UN Agencies, WB, IOs NGOs / CSOs Universities Youth groups Media, etc.
BiH Country Programme Goal To support the Government’s efforts and plans aimed at strengthening social inclusion and cohesion, with a view to reducing discrimination and inequities among children and increase the potential for development of their human and social capital.
BiH Country Programme Structure 1. Social Policies and Child Rights Monitoring 2. Integrated and Inclusive Systems for Children Child rights monitoring Inclusive Education Health / Nutrition / Integrated Early Childhood & Development Protection of Children and Families Social Protection Children with Disabilities Roma Adolescents
Social Protection and Child Rights Monitoring Child rights monitoring Situation analyses, studies Report to the CRC Committee Support civil society for CRC monitoring Social Protection Systems Data collection, assessment and gaps analysis on social protection Coordination mechanisms across levels Referral systems at the municipal level Municipal Actions Plans focusing on vulnerable children and families Permanent Commissions on Social Protection Referral mechanisms Innovative services
Social Protection and Child Rights Monitoring Social benefits / Cash Transfers Technical assistance on new Social and Child Protection laws Advocacy for the harmonization of systems/benefits for children Budgeting for children Advocacy and mechanisms for increased budget for children (2011: in 17 out of 23 municipalities budget was increased) Monitoring of budget allocations Results-based budgeting tools Facilitate Coordination Chair UN/EU WG on Social Inclusion Chair UN WG on Roma
Health/Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Early Childhood Development Early Identification of Developmental Delays Support implementation of Entity Policies: strategies, action plans, budgets Expand services for young children through health and home visits (13 centres) Training on early identification of developmental delays Nutrition: Support adoption and implementation of Entity Nutrition Policies Raise awareness about nutrition especially in schools Anemia: finalize research and work on prevention Immunization: Advocacy on importance of immunization for ALL children particularly for hard to reach (Roma) Capacity development of government institutions on communication
Expertise Raising awareness on the importance of pre-school Financial analysis and advocacy Support to municipalities to expand services Capacity development Pre-school education Capacity development Raising awareness Supporting schools with intercultural education (15% of all primary schools benefiting 70,000 children) Intercultural and Inclusive Education Life-skills and key competencies Employability of adolescents Education
International Education Coordination Forum
Child Protection Child Protection Systems Assessments and data collection (child begging, justice for children, children without parental care, violence) Strengthen Child Protection System with a focus on CSW Technical support, advocacy and awareness raising Justice for Children Support the design, adoption and implementation of Laws and by-Laws Diversion and alternative measures, prevention, and treatment in Municipalities: action plans, child friendly rooms in police stations, prevention activities in schools, coordination) Capacity development of professionals working with juveniles Raising awareness
Child Protection
Cross-cutting areas Children with disabilities Social Benefits for children with disabilities Early Identification of developmental delays Inclusion into mainstream education Alternatives to residential care Roma MICS and other studies Inclusive Education (standardization of Roma language, preschool) Support to Action Plans (Education and Health) Early childhood development and immunization services Child begging Adolescents Life skills & key competencies and entrepreneurial skills Justice Prevention of Violence
Child-Friendly Municipalities
Disaster Risk Reduction Supporting the Ministry of Security and partners Collaborating with UN and Save the Children Strengthening capacity for DRR and Emergency preparedness & response