Children's Rights Protection System in Russia 19 federal and many regional agencies are responsible for the safety and protection of children’s rights. An important function in this system is carried out by the Children's Rights Commissioner for the President of Russia, established by the Presidential Decree. At the moment there are 80 regional children’s rights commissioners in Russia. Thus, there are more children’s rights commissioners functioning in the Russian Federation than in the whole European Union.
Activities of the Children’s Rights Commissioner Restoration of the children’s rights, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable groups: disabled, orphans, victims of abuse, sexual exploitation and other criminal acts, neglected and homeless children; juvenile offenders; other children in difficult life situations. has already handled more than appeals and inspected children’s homes, orphanages, hospitals, correctional facilities and other institutions for children in 70 regions of Russia. during this time 37 special investigations were carried out in various regions.
Protection of the children affected by all forms of violence through: Strengthening a legal status of underage citizens in the Russian Federation; Improving legislative, regulatory, funding-related and legal framework to safeguard children’s rights; Protecting children against internet-related sexual abuse and other forms of violence. Children’s Rights Commissioner pays special attention to the cases, where children are victims, especially in violent crimes.
Russian Demographic Policy Concept 3 National Projects in the social sphere: "Health", "Education", "Housing", as well as the federal program "Children of Russia” (2007 – 2010) have also shown good results. According to the sub-program “Housing for young families" of the federal program "Housing" for 2002 – 2010 the government support was carried out to improve the living conditions of young families.
Legislative Contributions of Commissioner: In two years, significant changes were implemented in Russian laws, aimed at strengthening the child protection system All across Russia laws were devised: for protection of children on the street, orphans in institutions; for stimulation of adoptive families; To guarantee education, housing and protection for children
Preventing violence against children by: significantly increasing criminal liability for sexual violence against children, their sexual abuse and exploitation Implementation of the federal Law “On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development“ Children’s Rights Commissioner proposed that media safety lessons become part of school program
Russia's contribution to the implementation of the European Council Strategy Children’s Rights Commissioner acts as a coordinator between international child protection institutions and Russian equivalents, proposing efficient ways for systems to interact successfully. Member of the Committee of the joint project of the European Union and the Russian Federation, “Hague Conventions on the Rights of Children in the Russian Federation application”; National Coordinator of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe on children’s rights protection and the elimination of all forms of violence towards children National Coordinator of the Russian Federation on combating trafficking of the Council of the Baltic region. Associate member of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC)