Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy
What is domestic Policy? Domestic Policy is everything that deals with our homeland, such a taxes, education, and criminal law. It effects how we as American citizens live our lives, what government programs are available to us, and how we pay our taxes.
The Document that most effects Constitutional Right is the Bill of Rights, which are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, here some major issues are brought up The framers of the constitution didn’t anticipate some current issues happening, mostly because of technological advances, and a larger, more diverse population
Current Issues and Solutions Freedom of Religion- Congress cannot pass laws that prohibit certain religion or establish a national religion. Freedom of Expression- Congress cannot pass laws forbidding it’s citizens for speaking or writing freely. Right to Bear Arms- US Citizens have the right to own weapons to protect themselves, but cannot own certain types of weapons Abortion Roe VS Wade trial, ruled a woman has a right to an abortion under the right to privacy amendment Curtailing Civil Liberties- Peoples natural rights are taken away in times of war if doing so is for the greater good of the population, an example of this is being held in Guantanamo Bay
Impact on Society ZImpact on Freedom of Expression - Unlike some other countries with a more controlling and critical form of government, US citizens have the right to express what they feel, whether it be critical of Policy, people in power, or events, and congress cannot punish or restrict them in any way. This creates a lot of open mindedness, and hypothetically leads to more change in a positive way. ZFreedom of Religion - Under our constitution, someone cannot be denied their rights because of their religion, no religion is restricted, leaders are not required to hold a form of religion, and there is no national religion. This creates a more diverse country, and opens up cultural and religious ideas.
Impact on Society cont. ZRight to Bear arms - Under our constitution, US citizens are permitted to own fire arms for use in personal defense against a domestic or foreign threat, so long as they meet the standards issued by the state (in most cases). This creates the ability for citizens to create militias if need be ZAbortion - Under the constitution, a woman has the right to choose whether to have their child, or to have an abortion within a certain time limit. This creates issues on both sides of the argument. Pro life- the woman has to have the child. Pro choice - The woman has the right to choose. ZCurtailing civil liberties - Gives the government the right to hold people without rights or reason during times of war if they believe it for the greater good, an example of this is the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
ZI think that constitutional rights are a necessity for the protection of our rights.
Sources Zhttp:// ZConstitutional rights packet