1 Coffeemaker project
2 AGENDA Major & minor goals Customer V model structure V model actions Team work Time pressure / planning All documents Measurements Graph Agenda Minutes Questions
3 Coffeemaker project MAJOR educational goals To work for a customer To work in a structured way following the V- model To experience teamwork To feel time-pressure To complete all documents of a project MINOR educational goals To know how temperature-control works
4 Customer Saxion EEE is looking for an engineering company who can modify a simple coffee maker machine into an advanced coffee-maker-machine. The temperature of the drinking coffee should be controllable by the customer.
5 V-model structure
6 V-model actions Investigate coffee making Research actual machine Measurements actual machine Conclusions Requirements Specifications new machine Functional design go / no go System design / block diagram Component design / simulation Build components / assemblation
7 Team work Chairman Secretary Planner Documentalist Saxion customers
8 Time pressure / planning Gannt diagram Who does what and when Start Ending
9 All documents Circuit old coffee maker Measurement notes of coffee maker Functional design Minutes / Notes Agenda Log book Power point final presentation
10 Measurements What to measure Set-up Measurement= execution Data = information Graph = presentation Conclusions = decision
11 Graph Clear title, with all 12 Volt Tambient = 22 2 cups of coffee Y axis; Dependent parameter Symbol T Unit [°C] X-axis; Independent parameter Symbol t Unit [Minutes]
12 Agenda Logo company / Logo Saxion Date place time and participants Opening Minutes last meeting Announcement Subject 1 (for example functional design) Subject 2 (for example technical design) Subject 3 (for example planning) Questions Next meeting Closing
13 Minutes Logo company / Logo Saxion Date place time participants Opening Minutes last meeting Announcement Subject 1 and remarks or decision Subject 2 and remarks or decision Questions and answers Next meeting Closing
14 Questions Who is my target group of clients? What will my clients pay for the machine? What is a normal drinking coffee temperature? What is the maximum coffee temperature i can make? For how many cups i will make the coffee machine? What conclusions do i have from the measurements? What will the functional design look lilke? How many knobs and what is the function? How is the organization of the group (functions) How is the document control of the group