Le Français I - Lesson Plan: Leçon 2 ACTFL Standards: COMMUNICATION - Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions COMPARISONS - Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Objective: Student will present him/herself including his/her name, profession, and nationality Assessment Informal: Observation of student writing and speaking Formal: Students will construct contextualized communication pieces Prerequisite Knowledge: Knowledge of introduction in English and/or their heritage language New Knowledge/ Academic Language: Student will present themselves in French Class Time: 50 minutes Materials from teacher: Smart Board with related tech items, and PowerPoint presentation Materials from student: Student French notebook and writing utensils as described in COURSE EXPECTATIONS Connection: Texas Language Arts Differentiation: As per Individualized Education Program Teacher’s Reflection: Student’s Reflection:
les Noms écrivez Bonjour, je suis Nancy. Et toi? Moi, _______________________ Good morning, I am Nancy. And you? Bonjour, je m’appelle Nancy. Et toi? Comment tu t’appelles? Good morning, my name is Nancy. And you? What is your name? Moi, _______________________
Quelques professions et nationalités: masculin médecin - doctor professeur – teacher électricien – electrician étudiant - student français – French male belge – Belgian male italien – Italian male américain – American male féminin médecin – doctor professeur - teacher électricienne - electrician étudiante - student française – French female belge – Belgian female italienne – Italian female américaine – American female
les professions et les nationalités écrivez Je suis professeur. Et toi? I am a teacher. And you? Moi, _______________________ Je suis brésilienne. Et toi? I am Brazilian. And you Moi, _______________________
Lesson Plan: Leçon 2 Student’s Reflection: Write down in your notebook at the end of this lesson: 1)Through this lesson I have learned... 2)This means...