Employability Skills This section of your portfolio will be developed over the course of your 4 years in the Ag-Ed program. As your skills develop you will complete 2 employability skills tiles to add to this PowerPoint per marking period toward your portfolio grade.
What is an employability skill……. When employers look for potential employees they look for people with technical skills (actual product/service) as well as strong employability skills. Your portfolio has numerous examples of technical skills in you Ag work samples section. Employability skills are those work place skills which are more difficult to show. This section is a place for you to become familiar with the terminology as well as putting words into action. For example, at an interview you may be asked the question “Are you motivated?” Working on this section of your portfolio will give you a better understanding of the questions and the ability to give specific examples to prove you are prepared for the job.
Examples of Employability Skills Working to potential Adaptable/Flexible Complete assignments and /or tasks on time Teamwork Positive attitude toward teachers/employer Positive attitude toward peers Follow directions the first time Follow through on commitments Trustworthy/Honest Ability to receive criticism from teachers/peers Professional attitude toward work Displays self discipline Ability to work without immediate supervision Active listening skills Take initiative with class work/projects Organizational skills Problem solve Manage or direct others
Employability Skill Date: Explanation on how you attained this skill…… – Where – What was the situation – Your level of responsibility Where attained: Example or picture showing level of achievement