Bhadriraju Subramanyam Department of Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 Entomology Research and Extension Update November.


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Presentation transcript:

Bhadriraju Subramanyam Department of Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Entomology Research and Extension Update November 27, 2007 Producer Perceptions About Postharvest Pest Management

Understanding Producer Issues and Challenges in Postharvest Pest Management  Survey of end-users  Focus group meetings  Other  Commodity groups  Informal comments

KSU Survey of Producer Perceptions  Conducted in 2004  Objective: Understand producer perceptions about loss of organophosphate (OP) grain protectants used on stored wheat  Partners  Kansas Wheat Commission  High Plains Journal  Farmer Direct Foods (Jan. 30, 2004, Hays)  Kansas Crop Improvement Association Certification Seed Grower’s Annual Meeting (Feb. 10, Colby)

Survey Instruments  Questionnaire (10 questions)  Mailed as an insert in KWC Newsletter  Mailed as an insert in HPJ  Distributed in person (KCIA)  Total mailed, 17,000  Focus group meeting (Jan. 30, 2004)

Results  236 surveys from 73 counties  Farm size of respondents: 80 – 20,800 acres (avg., 2132 acres)

Question 1  Are you aware of an Act passed by the US Congress in 1996 called the Food Quality Protection Act?  Yes-60%  No-39%  Did not respond-1%

Question 2  Is control of insects in your stored wheat important to you?  Yes-97%  No-2%  Did not respond-1%

Question 3  Which of the following insect species are troublesome in your stored wheat (Rank 1 as being most important and 5 as least important)  Weevils-1.4  Indianmeal moth-2.4  Red flour beetle-3.5  Lesser grain borer-3.23  Rusty grain beetle-4.5 The number of responses varied by insect species

Question 4  Which of the following statements best describes your stored wheat insect control with chemicals?  55% (n=236) apply protectants to grain at the time of bin filling or as it is turned  44% apply phosphine fumigant  1% did not respond

Question 5  Do you currently use any of the grain protectants to treat stored wheat?  Malatrhion-48%  Reldan-28%  Diatomaceous earth-5%  Phosphine-5%  Storcide-2%  Did not know-12%

Question 6  If malathion and Reldan are no longer available for treating stored wheat, what new protectants would you use?  Did not know-93%  Phosphine-5%  Diatomaceous earth-1%  Tempo-1%

Question 7  Regardless of whether or not you use malathion and Reldan, which of the following statements best describes your opinion about the current status of potential alternatives?  No potential alternatives have been identified-37%  Some potential alternatives have been identified-29%  Satisfactory alternatives exist today-20%  Did not respond-17%

Question 8  If there are alternatives to malathion and Reldan, which of the statements below best describes your reason for using it to treat your stored wheat?  Is safe to humans and the environment-54% (n=243, multiple responses)  Is more effective than malathion and Reldan in controlling insects (38%)  Degrades quickly on grain (8%)

Question 9  If there are products better than malathion and Reldan would you use it on your stored wheat?  Yes-93% (n=236)  No-5%  Did not respond-2%

Question 10  Are you willing to participate in a research trial on your farm to show the benefits of a new protectants that are alternatives to malathion and Reldan?  Yes-43%  No-56%  Did not respond-1%

Focus Group Meeting, 2004  White Wheat Grower Annual Meeting, January 30, 2004 in Hays, KS  The focus group consisted of 12 producers  Question: What information do you need to start using a new grain protectant such as spinosad?

Comments Made by Focus Group Participants  Product efficacy should be demonstrated by an independent third party  Product should be tested in farmer-managed trials  Product use information should be made available in an easily understandable format (video)  Limitations of the product should be disclosed  Product information should be delivered through crop consultants  Cost is not an issue if the product is effective; willing to pay cents/bushel  Product should be available in both liquid and dry formulations  “We will use a new product only if we are able to market (export) our grain”

Importance of Understanding End- User Issues and Challenges  Design research projects that address end- user needs  Develop relevant educational programs  Implement IPM programs and measure their success  Help pesticide registrants develop relevant product stewardship programs  Benefits:  Identify cooperators and sites to conduct field research  Obtain letters of support for USDA grants