Review of Grant Aid – Proposed Changes
Today’s agenda Introductions Grant Aid schemes - proposals Any questions? Update on Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme Any questions?
Grant Aid Schemes Development Support Support to Youth Centre Grounds Maintenance of Outdoors Sports Pitches Maintenance of Community Facilities
Progress to date Survey of community groups – September Analyse results of survey – October Public meetings to present results – November Develop proposals for future schemes – December/January Budget process - February
Proposals Question 1: Should financial support be made available for individuals as well as groups? No – it is proposed that individuals should not be considered for grant assistance.
Proposals Question 2 – Should “means testing” i.e. An assessment of bank balances held by the applicant, be introduced for the new grant aid schemes? Yes – It is proposed that community groups with bank balances in excess of £10,000 shall be asked to confirm what the funds are for. Groups with significant funds that are not specified as restricted or designated funds may not be considered for grant assistance.
Proposals Question 3 – Should future grant aid schemes continue to prioritise funding for groups that cater primarily or exclusively for children and young people under 18 years of age? Yes – it is proposed that all grant aid schemes should continue to prioritise funding for groups that cater primarily or exclusively for children and young people under the age of 18 years.
Proposal 4 Question 4 – Should future grant aid schemes continue to provide higher levels of funding for umbrella bodies/associations that have an agreed development plan for their organisation? Yes – it is proposed that Shetland wide groups and/or umbrella organisations that have an agreed Development Plan should be able to access higher levels of funding.
Proposals Question 5 – Should future grant aid schemes consider higher levels for groups that have amalgamated together? This might be on the basis that the member organisations would therefore not be able to apply for grant aid separately. Yes – it is proposed that merged groups should be considered for grant aid. This proposal may initially take the form of a pilot project in financial year 2011/12.
Proposals Question 6 – Should future grant aid schemes continue to support the running and maintenance costs of groups that manage and maintain community facilities? Yes – it is proposed that community facilities should continue to be a priority for funding in all schemes.
Proposals No changes are proposed to the following grant aid schemes: Support Scheme – 50% up to £5,000 Support to Youth Centres Scheme – 75% up to £15,000 Ground Maintenance Scheme – 75% up to £6,000 Maintenance of Community Facilities – 75% up to £5,000
Proposals The following changes are proposed to the Development Scheme: Adult groups – 50% up to £500 Adult associations/umbrella groups – 50% up to £1,000 Junior groups – 75% up to £1,000 Junior associations/umbrella groups – 75% up to £3,500
Proposals The following changes are proposed to the Development Scheme: Adult groups applying for grant assistance towards travel costs for off island events/competitions shall only be considered for financial support if they are representing Shetland, the region or a national body. The only exception is where the travel is for a course or an event that enables the particant(s)to make a further contribution to their group or the wider community.
Proposals It is proposed that a new grant condition be introduced in relation to the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act In 2011/12 grant condition requires groups to be working towards compliance with PVG Act. In 2012/13 grant condition requires groups must comply with PVG Act. More information to be presented today
Proposals It is proposed that electronic application forms be introduced for 2011/12. Application forms to be available on SIC website Application forms can be ed to Grants Unit Reduced paperwork and more efficient processing arrangements
Proposals It is proposed that groups in receipt of funding should provide more information when accounting for the funding. Evidence outcomes achieved. Details about publicity of grant award. Submit photos, reports, or case studies.
Proposals It is proposed that all incomplete grant applications received, must be completed within a maximum period of 2 months from the date of receipt. Following this 2 month timescale if the grant application is still incomplete it shall be rejected.
What next? All grant application form and guidelines shall be drafted and updated with new proposals. Proposals shall be presented to a meeting of the Council’s Services Committee on 10 March Proposals shall be presented to a meeting of Shetland Charitable Trust on 24 March Proposals shall be presented to a meeting of Shetland Islands Council on 23 March New schemes implemented from 1 April 2011.
What do you think?