Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPRP) Pre-Deployment Training for Army in Korea
This Pre Deployment Training is intended for Soldiers that are TDY or visiting Korea. This training does not meet the requirements for Unit Level Training. Additional Pre Deployment Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Training can be accessed at
AGENDA Dynamics of Korea USFK/Eighth Army Policy and References Overview of the SAPR Program Prevention Tactics and Plan of Action SAPR Response Resources
South Korea Facts / Population: million people Language: Hangul Religion: No affiliation (46%) Christianity (26%) Buddhism (26%) : Confucian Values and Beliefs Heavy Traffic: Mass Transit System Available Currency: Won Climate: Temperate, with rainfall heavier in summer than winter Etiquette: Bow when greeting and departing. Remove your shoes when entering a Korean Home
Required Training Prior to Deployment to Korea
Trends and Risk Factors Victims know the perpetrator (friend, co-worker, supervisor) Use of alcohol involved New arrival in-country Age: year olds Grades: E-1 to E-4 Barracks/Dorm Room Delay reporting
SEXUAL ASSAULT REFERENCES FOR KOREA AR (Chapter 8 & Appendixes F,G, and H) Dated 7 June 2006 Eighth United States Army Command Policy Letter #10 “Prevention of Sexual Assault” Dated 8 Jan 2007 USFK Regulation “Sexual Assault Prevention And Response Program” Dated 8 August 2005 USFK Policy Letter #10 “Command Policy on Sexual Assault Prevention Response” Dated 28 May 2006 DODI Number SAPR Program Procedures Dated 23 Jun 06 REGULATIONS AND POLICY LETTERS REGULATIONS AND POLICY LETTERS
Department of Army Official Definition of Sexual Assault and Consent Sexual Assault - intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent; sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship, or age Consent - shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Consent is not given when a perpetrator uses force, threat of force, coercion, or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious
Prevention Tactics Situational Awareness, and Trust your Instincts If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation. Army in Korea trends indicate the use of alcohol by the offender, the victim, or both contributes committing the crime of sexual assault Do not leave your beverage unattended or accept a drink from an open container Communicate clearly (verbally and non verbally) your limits and boundaries
Plan of Action You have the right to say "No" even if you: Say yes, but change your mind Have had sex with this partner before Have been kissing or "making out" Have a Plan for someone you can call if you need help If you feel uncomfortable, scared, or pressured, act quickly to end the situation. Say, "Stop it" and leave or call for help Use the Buddy System Keep the doors to homes, barracks, and cars locked NOTE: Be aware of Command’s Barracks Policy Know your resources: Call 158 (DSN) or (Cell Phone or Commercial) to report a Sexual Assault!
ALL USFK Civilian and Military Personnel If you become aware of a Sexual Assault report it to Law Enforcement Or Chain of Command Chain of Command
Sexually Assaulted? Go to a safe location away from the attacker Contact your local Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate (VA) or healthcare provider Seek medical care as soon as possible Preserve all evidence of the assault. Do not bathe, wash your hands or brush your teeth. Do not clean or straighten up the crime scene Write down, tape or record by any other means all the details you can recall about the assault and your assailant
If you are sexually assaulted REPORT THIS CRIME As Soon As Possible! Please contact the SARC and Veterans Affairs For further information concerning benefits and services.
Sexual Assault Reporting Options UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED
Allows a victim to report a sexual assault and receive, victim advocacy, medical care, counseling and an official investigation Report to anyone including: – SARC – UVA – Health Care Provider (HCP) – Chain of Command (COC) – Supervisory Chain – Law Enforcement (LE) – MCIO UNRESTRICTED Reporting Option
Allows a victim to receive: victim advocacy, medical care, and counseling without an investigation being initiated or chain of command being officially notified Must Report to specific individuals only- – SARC, HCP, Chaplain or UVA Must acknowledge in writing his/her understanding that this option may limit the ability of the government to prosecute the offender RESTRICTED Reporting Option
USFK SEXUAL ASSAULT 24/7 HOTLINE To access from any DSN telephone within Korea Dial the number "158". For access from a commercial line or cell phone Dial the number " ". Listen to the recording, make area selection: #1 for Area 1 SARC #2 for Area 2 SARC #3 for Area 3 SARC #4 for Area 4 SARC #5 for Area 5 SARC #6 for Area 6 SARC Wait for the area SARC to answer. If the message has to be repeated just press the pound (#) key.
Army In Korea Sexual Assault Response Coordinators Area I (SARC): Office: (DSN) Area II SARC Office: / (DSN) Area III SARC: Office: (DSN) Area IV SARC: Office: (DSN)
Sexual Assault Examination Medical Treatment Facilities Cp Casey: Area I (DSN) Combat Support Hospital: Area II (DSN) Cp Humphrey: Area III (DSN) Cp Walker: Area IV (DSN) Cp Carroll: Area IV (DSN)
Response Time and Distance
USFK Sexual Assault Hotline (24/7) DSN: 158 / CELL or COM: USFK SAPR Website: (Hot Topics Link/SAPR Link) EUSA SAPR Website: (SAPR Link) Veterans Affairs: CONUS: Korea DSN: (315) Military One Source: Korea DSN:550-ARMY (2769) OCONUS: CONUS: Department of the Army SAPR: Reporting and Information Resources
Enjoy Your Stay in the Land of the Morning Calm Stacey L. Barnes SAPR Regional Program Trainer (315)