© ppm factum research Sdružení pro podporu otevřené společnosti - PASOS 19 th September 2013 European Citizen Initiative - Final Report
Basic project parameters 2 ResearchEuropean Citizen Initiative Supplierppm factum research s.r.o. (ID ) Target groupCzech population aged 15+, Number of completed interviews: 1001 Data collection methodCAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing), Omnibus Field work4th – 15th of September 2013 Sampling method Quota sampling Quotas: gender, age, education, size of place of residence and region Analysis Data cleaning and processing with the usage of SPSS statistical program.
Sample structure Total % ,0 Sex Male 48848,7 Female 51351,3 Age years 21621, years 27727, years 23523,4 60+ years 27327,3 Education Without LE 52952,8 Secondary with LE 34234,2 University level 13013,0 Economic activity Active 59058,9 Inactive 41141,1 Gross month HH income Up to CZK 17817, CZK 18418, CZK 15215,2 More than CZK 20620,6 Refused 28028,0 Area Prague 12012,0 Bohemia 48648,5 Moravia 39539,5 Size of place of residence Up to , , ,4 over ,8 Socioeconomic classification AB 17417,4 C ,4 C ,5 D 18218,1 E 30630,6
The over all evaluation of the integration of the Czech Republic into EU is slightly more negative than positive. People with lower socio-economical status are more likely being negative about EU integration, on the other hand younger people and Czechs with university degree tend to be more positive. The only aspect of the integration that brings more positives than losses is, according to the Czech people, „the improvement of our status internationally“. The activities of both the European Parliament and the European Commission in general are rated better than activities of Czech government and Czech MEPs that are related to promoting the CZ needs and national priorities at the EU level. Nevertheless, 41 % of Czechs would assess the activities of the European Commission as rather bad or very bad. The activities of the European parliament are evaluated even worse (47 % of Czechs think that they are bad or very bad). Majority of Czechs thinks that their needs are promoted rather badly or very bad by the Czech MEPs (61 %) and by the government (64 %) and therefore the EU does not take into account the interests and national priorities of CZ (66 %). The large majority of Czechs has never heard about the European Citizens' Initiative or would participate in such activities. 16 % of Czechs have heard about the European Citizens' Initiative and very few of them have already participated as signatory (5 % of them). 16 % of Czechs will participate in the new European Citizens' Initiative if they have the chance. It would be more likely younger people, with university degree and people from the capital city Prague, that usually show higher social responsibility and enthusiasm about the social issues. 32 % of Czechs know how Members of the European Parliament are nominated in the Czech Republic, that they are elected by all Czechs in elections. Not surprisingly people with higher education are more likely aware of that. 5
Detailed analysis
Integration of the Czech Republic into the European Union Question 1. How would you describe the results of the accession of your country into the European Union? In your opinion, has integration with the EU brought more benefits or losses: 7 The overall evaluation of the integration of the Czech Republic into EU is slightly more negative than positive. More than one third of the population (35 %) thinks that the accession has brought more losses than benefits. In other aspects (what it meant for democracy, to the quality of life, to the quality of public services), higher percentage of people evaluates the integration negatively or that it has not brought or meant any significant changes. As for the status of CZ internationally, it´s the only aspect, according to the Czech population, where the integration was more beneficial than losing. People from the lowest class of the society, with lesser income, without LE and usually from smaller cities are more likely to evaluate the integration negatively. Younger people and people with university degree tend to be more positive about European integration.
Evaluation of work of the Czech government and of the EU Question 2. How do you rate the work of your government and of the European Union? How would you assess: 8 The activities of both the European Parliament and of the European Commission in general are rated better than activities of Czech government and Czech MEPs that are related to promoting the CZ needs and national priorities at the EU level. Nevertheless, 41 % of Czechs would assess the activities of the European Commission rather bad or very bad. The activities of the European Parliament are evaluated even worse (47 % of Czechs think that they are bad or very bad). It is important to notice that more than one fourth of the population in case of the European Commission (26 %) and one fifth (22 %) in case of European Parliament´is not able to evaluate the activities of these institutions. People from lowest class of the society, younger people, and people without LE are more likely the ones who do not have information about the EU institutions. Majority of Czechs thinks that their needs are promoted rather badly or very bad by the Czech MEPs (61 %) and by the government (64 %) and therefore the EU does not takes into account the interests and national priorities of CZ (66 %).
European Citizen Initiative In 2012, the European citizens initiative was launched by the European Union. If one million EU citizens sign a joint initiative, they can participate directly in the development of EU policies, by calling on the European Commission to make a legislative proposal. Question 3: Have you heard of the European Citizens' Initiative? Question 4: Have you participated as a signatory of a European Citizens' Initiative. Question 5: Would you participate in/make use of the new European Citizens' Initiative? 9 The large majority of Czechs has never heard about European Citizens' Initiative and would not participate in such activities. 16 % of Czechs have heard about the Initiative and 5 % of them have participated as a signatory. Higher educated people, people from the highest class of the society and with the income above CZK have heard about the Initiative more frequently. 16 % of Czechs would participate in the new European Citizens' Initiative. It would be more likely younger people, with university degree and people from the capital city Prague.
European Parliament elections Question 6: How in your opinion are Members of the European Parliament nominated in CZ? 10 32 % of Czechs know how the Members of the European Parliament are nominated in the Czech Republic, i.e. that they are elected by all Czechs in elections. Not surprisingly people with higher education are more likely aware of that. 23 % of people think that they are selected by members of parliament from themselves, 22 % think that they are nominated by the government. Less than one in ten Czechs (8 %) believe that the MPs are nominated by the president. The high percentage of incorrect answers is due to the long period without elections in to the EU Parliament. Next elections will be held next year and the campaign have not started yet properly. Also the overall awareness of the Czech government activities on EU level could be higher and more promoted.
Prepared by ppm factum research Veronika Cieslarová Project manager ppm factum research s.r.o. Office Park Nové Butovice / A Bucharova 1281/2, Prague 13, CZ Tel.: Fax: The company is registered at Municipal court in Prague, column C, no , date of entry 6th October 1992., ID: , VAT No.: CZ