English 2—3/23/2012 Objectives: -work cooperatively -read with intent 1.DO NOW- Turn in questions for Ch. 5-7 [PERIODS 7-8 ONLY] Choose a group you can work well with (extra points for groups who cooperate and stay on task). Complete Tutorial #1: Use punctuation to set off complex parenthetical phrases.
Midterm study topics Read Kite Runner; Quiz yourself over the study guides for Ch. 1-7; Know how to properly use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions; Know the difference between a complete sentence, a run-on, and a fragment; and Study ACT focus packets on PARAGRAPH FOCUS, ADDING SENTENCES, and PARENTHETICAL PHRASES
Begin reading cooperatively with your group, and then discuss the following: 1.On p. 61, Amir says, “He couldn’t read a first grade textbook but he’d read me plenty.” What does Amir mean? 2.On p. 72, Assef says, “But before you sacrifice yourself for him (Amir), think about this: Would he do the same for you?” Answer Assef’s question and give evidence to support your answer from the text. 3.After reading pages 77-80, what do you think of Amir? 4.Was the rape about power or sexuality? How do you know?