Introduction System Architecture ISP1761 USB Host Controller P 彭治 民
The ucOS-II is public OS for the real time system, but never support USB host. Right now, the USB interface become more important to communicate with the peripheral. such as Mass Storage, USB Mouse… USB Advantage,High Speed, Convenient,public…
Perpherial NXP ISP1761 USB controller NXP ISP1761 USB controller FPGA NIOS-II Hardware DMA DDR2 Controller DDR2 Controller ucOS-II OS USB Host driver DMA control Driver DMA control Driver Buffer Control driver Buffer Control driver Task Internal RAM 512KByte WiFi
USB Detcet Task USB Hub USB HAL USB Dev 127 USB Device.. USB Device 1 USB Device 0 HID Class Custom Device Descriptor Configure interface VID,PID 0 subdrivers VID,PID 0 Class ID subdrivers
USB Driver OperationUSB Hub Status Attach Driver Device_Open Device_Write Device_Read Device_Close Hub Status Driver Name USB Driver List VID,PID List Sub Class
Test AP Wireless Driver HW WiFi HW WiFi Sander/ Receiver Task USB Control Driver Linux OS ucOS-II PC FPGA