The structure of the atom ELECTRON Negative PROTON Positive NEUTRON No Charge Simple Atomic Structure Two positive protons and two negative electrons Gain an electron to become negative Lose an electron to become positive
Charging Up Rods Acetate Polythene Acetate positive Cloth Negative Polythene Negative Cloth Positive It’s all about moving electrons
Bringing Charges Together Attract Repel
The Electric Field This is a region where a charge experiences a force Positive Plate Negative Plate Neutral Point The field is from + to -
The Gold Leaf Electroscope + + +
- - -
The Test for Charge The positive rod attracts the balloon So the balloon must be negative NO Build up of negative charge on this side The balloon is uncharged
The Test for Charge is Repulsion This balloon must be negative This balloon must be positive
Uses of Static Electricity Spraying a Car Positive Car Negative Spraygun The paint spreads out as each negative drop repels No paint is wasted as the positive car attracts the negative paint
Removing Smoke from Power Station Chimnies Positive Plate Negative Plate Charge up the Smoke No smoke leaves the chimney
Earthing Petrol Tankers Petrol rubbing against the pipe can build up a static charge which could cause an explosion The tanker is joined to the ground with a wire to stop a charge building up
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