October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR11 Information Systems Development Quality and Risk (1)
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR12 Basis Risk provisions Material expenses and costs Staff costs Staff profile Timescales Problem Resource Plan Risk management strategy Quality management strategy Risk and Quality Plan From Ould’s Managing Software Quality...
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR13 Risk and Quality Plan 1 Introduction 2 Risk management plan 2.1 Risks identified 2.2 Chosen risk reduction measures 2.3 Residual risk assessment 3 Quality achievement plan 3.1 Characterisation of system 3.2 Client expectations or requirements on development 3.3 Chosen development methods 3.4 Chosen tool support 3.5 Chosen target environment 3.6 Consequent activities 4 Quality control plan 4.1 Planned product types 4.2 Specifications and standards 4.3 Quality control activities 4.4 Consequent activities 5 Quality preservation plan 5.1 Identification control 5.2 Change control 5.3 Configuration control 5.4 Consequent activities From Ould’s Managing Software Quality...
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR14 A risk management process A risk is anything that threatens our achieving the project’s cardinal aims. risk identification risk analysis risk response planning risk resolution and monitoring
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR15 Some cardinal aims to match the stated development cost at peak times, to handle twice the current throughput to be ready at the start of next year’s peak period to reduce dispatch mistakes to one third of their current value.
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR16 A cause-effect tree project fails 2: fail on throughput 1: exceed cost target 3: not ready for peak 4: mistakes not reduced 8: key staff overloaded 9: marketing over-keen 10: we are over-keen 11: facilities over-exploited 12: poor algorithms 13: staff cannot cope 5: supplier fails to deliver 6: installer fails to deliver 7: training late From Ould’s Managing Software Quality...
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR17 Risk analysis Impact –binary risks –sliding risks Uncertainty –event uncertainty (it might happen that..., so we must influence something.) –estimating uncertainty (we are uncertain how much..., so we must try to find something out.)
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR18 Risk estimation Probability: –VL: very likely –L: likely –U: unlikely –VU: very unlikely Impact: –L: life threatening –P: project threatening –E: expensive in cost or time –S: some cost or time penalty –N: negligible cost or time penalty
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR19 The danger slope VUULVL LXXXX PXXX EXX SXX NX From Ould’s Managing Software Quality...
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR110 Pre-emptive risk reduction Pre-emptive risk reduction is planned to take effect before a risk materialises. –Information-buying activities reduce the (estimation) uncertainty of a risk. –Risk-influencing activities reduce the (event) uncertainty of a risk. –Contractual transfer transfers a risk to someone better able to deal with it. –A process model structures the project into phases that are designed to successively reduce risk.
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR111 Reactive risk reduction Reactive risk reduction is planned to take effect after a risk materialises. –Contingency plans have a trigger to bring them into effect. –Insurance requires a premium to be paid.
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR112 Risk register risk number risk description causes risks... source of uncertainty (event/estimation) nature of uncertainty probability impact chosen risk-reduction measures (pre-emptive or reactive) risk owner (a person) residual risk best case value chosen case value worst case value
October 2002J. B. Wordsworth: J2ISDQR113 Summary A risk is anything that threatens a project’s cardinal aims. Risk management is a four-step process. Risk reduction measures, planned in advance, can be pre-emptive or reactive. A risk register collates information about risks.