Using Search Engines An Introduction to Becoming a Serious Surfer
Search Engines Takes you to websites Lets you type in keywords and get millions of matches Search engine is not where you get info Examples
Keywords Be specific about what you want If looking for information about what Asian tigers eat… a. Tigers b. Asian tigers c. Asian tigers diet
Another example If you want to find information about blacksmiths in colonial times for Colonial Day, which would you type in? a. Colonial times b. Blacksmiths colonial c. What did colonial blacksmiths do? d. Blackmiths
When using search engines… Lets say I type in George Washington Carver… I might get hundreds of thousands of matches. These are matches that contain “George,” “Washington,” “George Washington,” “George Washington Carver,” and “Carver.”
Tricks of the Trade Some search engines let you use “quotation marks,” so that you are only looking for all three words together “George Washington Carver”
*More tricks * If I want information on the dog called the boxer or boxers use the * Boxer* will give you boxer and boxers What problem could you run into for this search?
Search Engines aren’t all they are cracked up to be… Inaccurate info Websites created by kids and dummies: Look for an author No rules for websites
Ways to help yourself when searching Look for ways to narrow your search Example : Think and be patient! Also, be willing to admit that internet is not be the best option in all circumstances
Mrs. Keegan’s Least Favorite Search Engine Please don’t use Ask Jeeves It stinks! Doesn’t give great results You get trapped! Teaches poor habits
Other types of sources are better Search Engines should be last! Try encyclopedias, books, and other online sources first: