Do NOW! Get a textbook and go through the visuals in chapter 27 with your group. Go slowly and talk about how each one relates to the information you read in the chapter.
Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West
Russia Before Reform Tsars maintaining tight grip on conservative ideals of Russia (against ideas of French Revolution) Avoided nationalist revolutions in the west Expansionist tendencies (Eastern Europe and Ottoman Empire) Peasants fell behind west in trade and technology. Serfdom still prevalent Behind militarily- Crimean War ( )
Reform in Russia 1861 Emancipation of Serfs (about the same time that the U.S. and Brazil abolish it) 1860s-1870s Alexander II- new law codes, zemstvoes, officer corps, trans- Siberian railroad Modern factories
Cons of Reform Absence of a large middle class Industrialization not up to western standards (population and resources) High tariffs to protect industries Emancipation maintained the tsarist grip on power and led to unsatisfied peasants
Causes of Revolution Minority nationalities began making demands on the tsar Famines Intelligentsia Radicals engaged in terrorist acts Spread of Marxist doctrines and the rise of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) and the Bolsheviks
Revolution in 1905 (This is NOT the Communist Revolution!) 1904 defeat in Russo-Japanese War 1905 workers and peasants revolt Result: creation of the Duma and Stolypin reforms where peasants gained greater freedom from redemption payments and village controls
Japan: Final Decades of the Shogun First half of 19 th century saw a slow breakdown of political system Economic problems- taxes based on agriculture Rise of secularism Dutch Studies group and western influence By 1850s economic growth slowed and rural protest increased
Japan Ends Isolation 1853 Matthew Perry in Edo Bay- U.S. gained 2 ports in 1856 1860s political crisis as Samurai increased their attacks on foreigners 1866 civil war 1868 Mutsuhito comes to power and begins the Meiji Era
Meiji Era of Reform 1871 abolished feudalism and replaced daimyos Political power centralized 1884 new conservative nobility Examination system 1889 new constitution granted limited powers to Diet Parliament advised government but did not control it
Japan Industrializes New army Banks, railroads, private enterprise State direction of development of manufacturing (zaibatsu) By early 20 th century Japan industrial power but still not equal to west
Social/Cultural Effects of Reform in Japan Population growth Universal education but insistence on Japanese values Western fashion Religious values preserved Women remained inferior
Japan’s Imperialism Sino-Japanese War gave Japan influence over Korea, Taiwan, and the Pescadores Islands 1904 Russo-Japanese War 1910 Korea annexed