Lions By Olivier
Introduction I am a lion. I am fast and scary. My family is called a pride. You will learn lots of information in this book. I am the king of scary animals.
Habitat My home is dry. I like to run around in dry grass. My pride plays and runs around.
Physical Appearance I have sharp teeth to cut and tear my food. I have big paws and sharp claws. I have a mane around my neck.
Birth and Babies When I was a baby I was called a cub. I had spots around me so I could get c amouflaged. I was born blind. When I grew up I lost my spots.
Food and Hunting My mom and sister go out and hunt. They stay together in groups. We are carnivores and only eat meat like baboons, zebras, and elephants.
Survival and adaptations Lion can run up to 50 miles per hour. Lions are stronger than tigers. My claws are sharper than a tiger’s claws.