Soil Classification Comparison Hall County, Georgia University of Florida Soil Pedology, Spring 2010 Prof: Willie Harris By: Sam Vacca 4/22/10
Site Location Hall County, Georgia Nearest City: Gainesville, Georgia Physiographic Province: Piedmont Annual Precipitation: inches Annual Temperature: 61 degrees F Predominant Land Use: Agriculture
Soil Profile Locations
Site Topography
Site Landscape
Soil Survey Cc (Pink) – Cartecay and Chewacla Undifferentiated Group (Floodplains; 0 – 2% Slopes; High Water Table) PaE (Blue) – Pacolet Soil Series (Sandy Loam; 15-25% Slopes; Weathered Rock)
Soil Profile 1 Perennial Stream Alluvial System Broad Floodplain Receiving Waterway Degraded Channel Channel Incision Lack of Vegetation Heavy Cattle Use
Soil Profile 1 MORPHOLOGY Ap inches; dark grayish brown (10yr 4/2); clay loam; weak sub-angular blocky structure; friable; clear smooth boundary; many roots. Ap inches; dark grayish brown (10yr 4/2); clay loam; moderate sub-angular blocky structure; friable; abrupt smooth boundary. Bw inches; yellowish red (5yr 4/6); silt clay loam; strong platy structure; friable; gradual smooth boundary. Bw2 – inches; yellowish red (5yr 5/8); loamy sand; structureless massive structure; very friable; distinct smooth boundary. Btg1 – inches; dark grayish brown (2.5y 4/2); silt loam; strong sub-angular blocky structure; friable; gradual smooth boundary; redoximorphic features (low chroma, Fe concentrations/mottles). Btg2 – inches; black (2.5y 2.5/1); silt loam; strong angular blocky structure; friable; abrupt smooth boundary; redoximorphic features. C1 – inches; yellowish brown (10yr 5/4); sand; structureless single grain structure; loose; abrupt smooth boundary; line of oxidized Fe above and below. C2 – inches; dark gray (10yr 4/1); sand; structureless single grain structure; loose; gravelly.
Soil Profile 1 Bw inches; yellowish red (5yr 4/6); silt clay loam; strong platy structure; friable; gradual smooth boundary. Btg1 – inches; dark grayish brown (2.5y 4/2); silt loam; strong sub-angular blocky structure; friable; gradual smooth boundary; redoximorphic features (low chroma, Fe concentrations/mottles). C1 – inches; yellowish brown (10yr 5/4); structureless single grain structure; loose; abrupt smooth boundary; line of oxidized Fe above and below. Ap1 Ap2 Bw2 Btg2 C2
Soil Profile 1 SOIL PROPERTIES Infiltration Rate: Moderate Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderate Available Water: Moderate Seasonal High Water Table: 100 – <150cm SOIL INTERPRETATIONS Dwellings with Basement: Severe Septic Tank Absorption Fields: Severe Local Roads and Streets: Moderate SITE CHARACTERISTICS Position: Floodplain Parent Material: Fluvial Soil Slope: 2-6% Surface Runoff: Slow Erosion Potential: Medium SOIL CLASSIFICATION Epipedon: Ochric Subsurface Horizon: Argillic Order: Ultisol
Soil Profile Locations
Soil Profile 2 Perennial Stream Colluvial System Steep Riparian Slopes Tributary to Stream 1 Stable Channel Vegetated Banks No Cattle Use
Soil Profile 2 MORPHOLOGY A inches; very dark grayish brown (10yr 3/2); loam; weak granular structure; friable; gradual smooth boundary; many roots. Bt1 – inches; brown (7.5yr 4/4); clay loam; strong angular blocky structure; firm; diffuse smooth boundary. Bt2 – inches; brown (7.5yr 4/3); loamy sand; structureless single grain structure; loose; diffuse smooth boundary; gravelly; C1 – inches; brown (7.5yr 4/3); loamy sand; structureless single grain structure; loose; diffuse smooth boundary; very cobbly. C2 – inches; no true matrix color; sandy loam (when crushed); moderate platy structure; firm; clear smooth boundary.
Soil Profile 2 SOIL PROPERTIES Infiltration Rate: Moderate Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderate Available Water: Moderate Seasonal High Water Table: 25 – 50cm SOIL INTERPRETATIONS Dwellings with Basement: Severe Septic Tank Absorption Fields: Severe Local Roads and Streets: Severe SITE CHARACTERISTICS Position: Drainageway/Floodplain Parent Material: Fluvial Soil Slope: 12-20% Surface Runoff: Very Rapid Erosion Potential: Very High SOIL CLASSIFICATION Epipedon: Umbric Subsurface Horizon: Argillic Order: Ultisol
Soil Profile 1 Soil Profile 2 Soil Comparison
Oh, don’t start, Willie! Do you ever wonder if perhaps we contribute to the pedological processes out here? What a PEST !