Michael 16 March 2011
The Cucumber Botanical name is: Cucumis sativus Life span is approx. 3 months. Creeping vine that grows onto Trellises. The fruit is roughly 30 cm long and 7 cm in diamter. Picture here
Specifications Require large amounts of sunlight to grow correctly 30 cm tall. Bloom occurs approx. 6 weeks after planting. Requires a well dried, sandy loam soil. Picture here….
Watering Your Seeds Water well every week. Harvest after days for desired effects.
Uses Very nutritional form of fruit. B vitamins give an energy boost similar to the effects of an energy drink or cup of coffee. Juices make cellulite less noticeable. Suitable replacement for aloe as sunburn treatment. Melody of sugar, B vitamins, and electrolytes replace nutrition lost after a long night of heavy drinking.
Varieties English Cucumbers Lebanese Cucumbers Apple Cucumbers East Asian Cucumbers Pickling Cucumbers Armenian Cucumbers Persian Cucumbers Beit Alpha Cucumbers
Sources Wikipedia.org Gardeningpatch.com Divinecaroline.com