GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS Implementation Plan Working Group (IPWG) GEO-XI PLENARY NOVEMBER 2014 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND
Page 2 Preparing for GEO Post-2015 Beijing Ministerial Declaration (2010) “…recommendations for the governance, role and future work of GEO beyond 2015 and to take the necessary decisions” GEO-VII (2011) “assess options and scenarios for next phase of GEOSS implementation” Geneva Ministerial Declaration (2014) “renew the mandate of GEO through 2025 […] and agree to develop the work of GEO through 2025…” GEO-X (2014) “draft Implementation Plan for initial review at the GEO-XI Plenary and for acceptance at the GEO-XII Plenary …”
Page 3 Purpose Provide overview of GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS Suggest recommendations for Plenary acceptance Seek Plenary guidance on topics IPWG seeks detailed feedback from GEO delegations by end of November 2014.
Page 4 Why a “Strategic Plan”? Strategic Plan Engagement GEO Community Input Fresh Perspectives Foundational Documents Framework for GEOSS Implementation Communication tool explaining objectives and activities of GEO Bridge between foundational documents and Work Programmes Vehicle for promoting innovative approaches and fresh perspectives
Page 5 GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS New Implementation Plan for GEOSS Core Functions Governance Engagement with developing countries Engagement with the private sector Resources for GEO and GEOSS through 2025 (Vision for GEO 2025, January 2025)
Page 6 GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS What´s new: Three Action Areas with Strategic Objectives Advocate Strategic Objective 1: GEO will ADVOCATE the value of Earth observations as a vital means of achieving national and international objectives for a resilient society, and sustainably growing economies and a healthy environment worldwide.
Page 7 GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS What´s new: Three Action Areas with Strategic Objectives Advocate Engage Strategic Objective 2: GEO will ENGAGE with stakeholder communities to address global and regional challenges by deepening the understanding of Earth system processes and improving the links between scientific understanding and policy-making.
Page 8 GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS What´s new: Three Action Areas with Strategic Objectives Advocate Engage Deliver Strategic Objective 3: GEO will DELIVER data, information and knowledge enabling stakeholders to: improve their decision-making processes; promote the exchange of best practices; enable the uptake of new technologies; and create new economic opportunities, while reducing costs to public sector budgets through innovation and collaboration.
Page 9 Advocate Engage Deliver GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS What´s new: Three Areas of Action Core Functions with specific targets and deliverables New Societal Benefit Areas to optimally engage communities For Plenary acceptance: The IPWG recommends Plenary acceptance of the title proposed for this Plan (GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS) and of its purpose as described in the document.
Page 10 GEO Flagships GEO Initiatives Community Activities Cross-cutting Activities GEO Secretariat Activities What´s new: Management Mechanisms 1.Decisions of GEO 2.GEO Flagships 3.GEO Initiatives 4.Community Activities 5.GEO Crosscutting Activities 6.GEO Secretariat Activities GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS Decisions of GEO
Page 11 What´s new: GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS Work Programme
Page 12 Governance: Basic Structure, Principles & Elements Plenary and Executive Committee Formal delegation of decision-making power from Plenary Implementation Boards Subsidiary decision bodies + advisory bodies Governance Principles and elements
Page 13 For Plenary consideration The IPWG seeks Plenary guidance as to the appropriateness and completeness of the proposed principles and elements. For Plenary acceptance: The IPWG recommends Plenary acceptance of the basic organizational structure in particular the principle of Plenary delegation of decision-making powers to subsidiary bodies. While allowing the possibility to revoke that delegation at any time, this provision could increase flexibility in decision-making and responsiveness to quickly changing environments; and The IPWG recommends Plenary acceptance of including a consensus-derived set of Governance principles and elements in the final Strategic Plan, while recognizing the GEO Rules of Procedure remain the tool to define, in detail, the organizational bodies’ functions, interactions and composition. Governance: Basic Structure, Principles & Elements
Page 14 Governance: Topics for guidance 1. Enhanced roles for Participating Organizations? Different categories of Participating Organizations? Grant decision power to Participating Organizations? 2. Revise criteria for GEO participation? 3. Review composition process for the Executive Committee? Include Participating Organizations? Quota for developing country membership? Rotate Co-Chairs? 4. Explore status changes? Legal status within next decade? Regional and/or distributed structures for Secretariat? For Plenary consideration: The IPWG seeks Plenary guidance as to the appropriateness and completeness of the topics for exploration, and an indication of whether the IPWG should proceed to develop options for each.
Page 15 Resources Contributions remain voluntary, committments are reinforced GEO Activities Voluntary contributions and specific resources committed with acceptance of activity into Work Programme GEO Trust Fund Work Programme adapted to match actions with resources Consider indicative scale of contributions For Plenary consideration The IPWG seeks Plenary guidance as to whether the IPWG should develop options for an indicative scale of contributions for resourcing the GEO Trust Fund.
Ministerial Summit Plenaries Ex Com Plan Drafts IPWG meetings (*) Drafting the Plan Engage Stakeholders NovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov IPWG Work Plan – November 2014 to Plenary/Ministerial GEO-XIGEO- XII Mtg 4Mtg 5Mtg 6Mtg 7 (*) Meeting n. 4 planned for December, Washington DC Subsequent meetings: tentative periods
Page 17 Résumé: for Plenary Acceptance / Guidance Scope of GEO activities –Accept Action Areas: “Advocate. Engage. Deliver.” –Confirm GEO Core Functions and take note that IPWG intends to propose specific targets for these. –Take note that the IPWG intends to propose an evolved set of Societal Benefit Areas at GEO-XII. Management –Comment on proposed approach to management, including six management mechanisms. Governance –Accept basic governance structure. –Provide guidance on governance options, noting evolved governance framework will be presented by IPWG at GEO-XII Resources –Provide guidance on indicative contributions to GEO Trust Fund
Page 18 IPWG seeks detailed feedback from GEO delegations by end of November 2014.
Page 19 Back-up © GEO Secretariat
Page 20 © GEO Secretariat MEMBERSHIP LIST Distinguished ExpertsWriting Team Islam Abou El-Magd (Africa)Tsehai Woldai (Africa) Mahamadou S. Keita (Africa)Noureddine Filali Boubrahmi (Africa) Bob Scholes (Africa)Julio Castillo (Americas) Danielle Lacasse (Americas)Yana Gevorgyan (Americas) Oscar Rodas (Americas)Zhou Xiang (Asia-Oceania) Luciano Pezzi (Americas)Hiroyuki Muraoka (Asia-Oceania) (*) Gu Xingfa (Asia-Oceania)Zoya Andreeva (CIS) Toshio Koike (Asia-Oceania)Andrey Emeliyanov (CIS) Stuart Anthony Minchin (Asia-Oceania)Tim Haigh (Europe) Victor Sapritsky (CIS)Eleni Christia (Europe) Lyudmila Shardakova (CIS) Mr. Sukhrob Olimov (CIS) Jörn Hoffmann (Europe) Alan Edwards (Europe) José Maria Marcos Espinosa (Europe)(*) Nominated by Japan on 3 July 2014
Page 21 IPWG: getting started GEO Plenary (2014) adopted draft Terms of Reference agreed on a process to agree on composition: Caucuses nominated 3 members each for the Working Group plus 2 members each for a Writing Team GEO Co-Chairs reviewed these nominations and agreed on composition GEO ExCom endorsed this composition GEO Co-Chairs provided initial structure for work and agreed on two facilitators to chair first phase of work First IPWG meeting on April in Geneva