QUARTZ By Tyler Chae-Banks
Color The colors of quartz can vary, quartz can be white, purple, pink, brown, and black. Also gray, green, orange, yellow, blue, and red. Sometimes multicolored or banded.
Other Distinguishing Properties Class: Silicates Streak: white Hardness: 7 Cleavage/Fracture: very weak Density: 2.65 Special Properties:
Elements Silicon dioxide
Where is Quartz found France, Brazil Russia, New York, Arkansas and Scotland to just name a few.
Quartz mined and processed Quartz is mined my surface mining, solid and small rocks are swept away until a quartz vein is found then miners go in with shovels, drills and various other tools to pick out the quartz.
Worth In ground quartz is worth $170 per kilogram. Processed fully it is worth $400 per kilogram. But prices can ranged from $20 per kilogram to more than $900 per kilogram depending on the clarity, cut and color.
Used for Quartz is used for pressure gauges, oscillators, resonators, and wave stabilizers. ultraviolet rays it is used in heat-ray lamps
My birthstone The Opal
What is a gemstone? A gemstone is a mineral that is cut, polished and used in jewelry. Minerals that are not cut and polished are not considered gemstones.