English 10 Week 2
Turn in Do Now Procedure Do nows must be loose leaf paper. If multiple pages, name on every page and stapled together. Each Do Now should have the words “DO NOW” and the date. Movement: only get up once- put your Do Nows in the mailbox, throw away teeth, sharpen pencil, etc. all in one turn.
English 10 Do Now: 8/11/14 On a sheet of loose leaf dated for today, write in full sentences your responses: Reflect on you as a student: What have you tried at, but failed? Why do you think that happened? What were you successful at? What English skill(s) would you like to get better at this year?
My Challenge to You Make this your goal for the semester: “I will earn an A in English 10” Setting goals and achieving them are two different things. What stops people from achieving big goals?
Good Intentions Pave the Road to Hell Wanting vs. Choosing Big goals are too far away to get to directly. We need to build a ladder aka small goals that get us to our big goal.
“A goal is a dream with a deadline” Goals should be SMART S - Specific (or Significant). M - Measurable (or Meaningful). A - Attainable (or Action-Oriented). R - Relevant (or Rewarding). T - Time-bound (or Trackable).
Examples of SMART GOALS Since, I did not turn in much work last year, I will make sure I turn in 90% of all homework in order to get my A this quarter. Since I did not participate much last year, I will raise my hand at least once a week and volunteer to read aloud Now you try. Write three SMART Goals that will help you get your A this semester.
For each goal, think about small steps needed to reach it Example goal: Since, I did not turn in much work last year, I will make sure I turn in 90% of all homework in order to get my A this semester. Example steps: Check homeworkchs.wikispaces.com everyday Get absences excused, ask for make-up work outside of class Find missing Do Nows on wiki too.
English 10 Wednesday 8/11/14 HOMEWORK: 3 smart goals: one behavioral, one work based, one of your choosing.
English 10 DO NOW 8/12/14 Evaluate these SMART goal. Determine if it is specific enough, has a deadline, and can be counted/measured. If they aren’t SMART, revise at least one. 1. I will stay focused everyday in class. 2. I will study more. 3. To participate more, I will get at least 1 dippy every week for answering/asking questions well.
Success Today Means 8/12/14 Students arrived to class with 3 SMART goals or were able to revise their goals to make them SMART. Students wrote out what small steps are needed for each SMART goal. Students demonstrate all this by completing their Reflective Essay Graphic Organizer
For each goal, think about small steps needed to reach it Example goal: Since, I did not turn in much work last year, I will make sure I turn in 90% of all homework in order to get my A this semester. Example steps: Check homeworkchs.wikispaces.com everyday Get absences excused, ask for make-up work outside of class Find missing Do Nows on wiki too.
Dippy Zone DO NOW What are the parts of an essay? What is a paragraph? Can you name some parts of a paragraph?
Dippy Zone Success Students will learn about the parts of a paragraph and then practice organizing paragraphs using their Perfect Paragraph packet. Students can check their success as we review answers at the end of class.
English 10 Do Now: 8/13/14 Pick one of the following “goal” quotes (next slide). Copy the quote down and then write three-five sentences telling me why this quote spoke to you or why you picked it over the others or what it means to you.
English 10 Do Now: 8/13/14 You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. (C. S. Lewis ) Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. (Thomas Jefferson ) Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. (Henry Ford) A goal is a dream with a deadline. (Napoleon Hill ) Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. (Eleanor Roosevelt) Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. (Vince Lombardi )
English 10: 8/13/14 Students will develop their introduction paragraphs by creating an attention gainer/hook, and a thesis statement that combines their main goal with their smart goals. Homework: Finish filling in the introduction box in the graphic organizer. Then, on separate paper, write out your body paragraph boxes into full sentence paragraphs.
Thesis= main point of essay Thesis statement= main pt + main points of the body paragraphs. Combine your semester goal with your three SMART goals into one sentence: Example: In order to earn an A in English 10, I will turn in 90% of my homework, raise my hand in class at least once a week, and I will maintain a 99% attendance rate.
English 10 DO NOW Look at your thesis statement from yesterday. Rewrite your thesis statement. In other words, try to get the message across using other words/phrases. You could reorder the ideas too. Not here yesterday? Use this example thesis statement: In order to earn an A in English 10, I will turn in 90% of my homework, raise my hand in class at least once a week, and I will maintain a 99% attendance rate.
English 10 Success Today Students will develop their conclusion paragraphs, creatively summarizing the main point of the essay, restating the thesis, and use a clincher like full circle ending. Successful students will record their ideas on their graphic organizer and then use that as a guide to draft their paragraphs for homework.
Conclusion Strategies Restate the thesis. Original thesis from Intro paragraph: “In order to earn an A in English 10, I will turn in 90% of my homework, raise my hand in class at least once a week, and I will maintain a 99% attendance rate” Restated: “If I turn in almost all of my homework, make sure that I am always present and actively participating everyday in class, I will achieve my goal of earning an A in English 10.”
English 10 DO NOW Gather your Week 2 Do Nows, write your name and PERIOD on each page. Each Do Now should be labeled “Do Now” and be dated. Get up only once to staple if necessary, go to the dentist, and turn in Do Nows to US MAIL BOX
English 10 Success Today Students who have achieved each daily goal this week will be ready to begin typing. If you do not have a draft at this point, you may use this time to work on whatever part of the essay you are on. You need to have your draft (typed) by Monday. 500 words.
But first, Housekeeping Have binder on your desk. I will be giving you your sticker. Your binder will go on the shelf as you leave. I will be checking binders that are on the shelf. No binder today? Demerit, but I have extra binders, so I got you.