WG2 – Transmission: SWG (O&M) Progress Report to HAPUA Working Group No. 2 – Transmission Oct 2010
TOR SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF SWG2 To benchmark Operation and Maintenance performance and practices among ASEAN power utilities. To determine, identify, exchange and adopt best practices among ASEAN power utilities. To exchange technical expertise through training, special studies and consultancy services, with the view of sharing a pool of technical experts.
Meetings 1 st Meeting – was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 19 – 20 July This meeting discussed and agreed on the TOR. 2 nd Meeting – was held in Tagaytay, Philippines on 5 – 6 September, This meeting discussed the O&M benchmarking parameters. 3 rd Meeting – A Benchmarking User Workshop was held in Melaka, Malaysia on February At the meeting, 2 endeavors were achieved: Finalization on benchmarking parameters and guideline Launching of SWG (O&M) Website – hapua.tnb.com.my
Meetings 4 th Meeting – A review workshop was held in Malaysia on 19th & 20th August 2008 to further discuss/deliberate the deliverables of the Benchmarking exercise. Benchmarking template to be fully populated with data by end of Sep’08 5 th Meeting – A review workshop was held in Malaysia on 16th & 17th December 2009 to address the different and variance of data input among utility to ensure the integrity of data and to allow valid analysis. Only Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines attended the meeting. The outcomes: Analysis and comparison could not be performed due to incomplete/invalid data among utilities. Proposed a Technical Forum following Benchmarking exercises to be held in 2010 to share current policies & strategies among utilities that relates to performance.
Meetings 6 th Meeting – A Technical Forum was held in Awana Genting, Malaysia on 13th & 14th April Only Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia participated in the technical forum. Each country shared the followings: Organizational structure Operating conditions & climate (regulated or deregulated) Maintenance policy, philosophy and practices including Condition Monitoring activities Current challenges Application/adaption of new technology Other related/relevant issues on Operation & Maintenance practices
Outcomes The outcomes from the technical forum: The benchmarking results cannot be finalized due to inability to do data verification Different operating condition, different operating and maintenance regime leads to different interpreting the definition of the data.
Next Steps Next Steps: Every utility was expected to submit before 9 Jun 2010 their latest 2 years validated data, ie FY 07/08 & FY 08/09 performance to enable more recent/updated comparison. The benchmarking results will be finalized and presented at next meeting If member countries agree, another technical forum will be organized in 2011.
Status of Submission for Data 08 and 09 PLNEGATNGCPTNB SPPG,Singapore Power System Indices (Saidi, Saifi, System Minutes) Yes but need verification on System Minute Yes No Data YesYes Transformer Tripping Rate YesYes No Data YesYes Line tripping Rate YesYes No Data YesYes ReliabilityYesNo YesYes Unavailability Yes but need verification No No Data YesYes Protection Maloperation YesNo No Data YesYes
Issues &Challenges Challenges: Different person-in-charge / representatives from member countries/utilities attended workshops & discussions – lack of continuity and need to re-explain Availability of data & consolidation of data to fit into the required template. Different operating condition, structure and environment make benchmarking difficult. Only 5 member countries participated.
Finalization on benchmarking parameters and guideline The guideline for each of the parameters below was discussed in depth: General Measures – system size, workforce data, O&M cost, System Performance Indices Transformer Performance – plant age profile and no. of tripping/forced outage Transmission Line Performance – plant age profile and no. of tripping/forced outage Protection Equipment Performance – percentage of protective system mis-operation Network Performance – Network Performance index & Unavailability index From the list above, only four (4) parameters are taken for benchmarking purpose; general measures information are to be used only as input/background for analysis of each utility’s performance.
Establishment of SWG (O&M) Website ( A website for SWG (O&M) has been launched as a platform for member utilities to access the benchmarking guideline, data entry, results/trending and technical papers. The website will also be use for member utilities to share the latest news and events of SWG activities, access meeting proceedings and SWG progress reports. This website will be shifted to HAPUA Secretariat Website once HAPAU Secretary provides a directory and the benchmarking exercise known as ASEAN Transmission Operation & Maintenance Study (ATOMS) completed.