Pg. 11/21 Homework Pg. 21 #20 – 29 Pg. 30 #1 – 13 odd, 14 – 30 even #11 8#12 5#13 #14 #15 12#16 7#174#18 8 #19#20 #7-$10.75, $8.00, $26.75, $70.50 #8y = 0.25x – 35.75#9Graph #10break even = 143 tickets; x > 143 will yield a profit Solve and write in Set Notation
1.2 Graphing Utilities and Complete Graphs Problem Solving Read the problem Re-read the problem State the problem in your own words Define the variables in the problem Clearly identify what you are given and what you are looking for Example It costs $8 to enter the fair. Each ticket towards a ride costs $0.75. Generalize the pattern from the given information.
1.2 Graphing Utilities and Complete Graphs Looking at Your Information The roller coaster requires 6 tickets to ride. How much money total will you spend to ride the roller coaster twice? You only have $20. You want to ride the Tilt-a Whirl twice and roller coaster once. If the Tilt-a Whirl requires 5 tickets. Will you have any money left over for cotton candy?
1.2 Graphing Utilities and Complete Graphs Table of Values/Data PairsGraph
1.2 Graphing Utilities and Complete Graphs Proper Windows Find a proper window for: Sketches of Complete Graphs Must contain all data from a given table Must suggest a pattern from the table The equation must model the data for every point in the table This gives one possible complete graph through the points in the given table
1.2 Graphing Utilities and Complete Graphs x y
1.3 Functions Functions A function of x is a correspondence that associates each x in a set X with exactly one y in a set Y. – If x is the input value and y is the output value we call y the image of x under f. For all functions: All functions must pass the VLT!! Functions can be graphed Functions are equations in two variables All functions have a domain and range
1.3 Functions Function Values Find the function values Are the following functions?
1.3 Functions Graph the function Find the domain and range Graph the function Find the domain and range
1.3 Functions Determine the domain and range. Use a grapher if necessary.