Cross-border network for knowledge transfer and innovative development in wastewater treatment WATERFRIEND HUSRB/1203/221/196 1st HUSRB Students Meeting
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Treatment of meat industry wastewater Student Ivana Miljanic
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Some facts… 1.Meat processing plants use approx. 62 Mm3/year of water worldwide. 2. Polluted water contains : High biological and chemical oxygen demand High fat content High concentrations of dry residue,sedimentary Total suspended matter as well as nitrogen and chlorides Disease microorganisms Intestinal parasites 3.The blood is considered the most problematic component.
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Biological treatment of meat industry wastewater Apparatus and methods -40 dm3 chamber whit two aeration pumps -reverse osmosis was conducted in a high-pressure equipped plate and frame module,whit an active membrane area of 155 cm3 Two basic phases of wastewater treatment: Biological treatment post-treatment applying RO MATLAB,program and neural network The program calculated specific parameters:COD,total nitrogen and phosphorus.
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Pollution indexes Raw wastewater mg/dm 3 Retention R% Wastewate r after activated sludge bioreactor mg/dm 3 Permissible standards mg/dm 3 COD BOD Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Ammonium Effectiveness of wastewater treatment applying the activated sludge method
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Pollution indices Wastewater after activated sludge bioreactor ;conc. mg/dm3 Wastewater after RO process Conc. mg/dm3Retention R% COD BOD Total phosphorus Total nitrogen Effectiveness of wastewater treatment through RO after it pretreatment using biological method
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Application of hybrid systems to the treatment of meat industry wastewater Apparatus and methods The wastewater pre-treated on screens,sieves,grease trap and finally flotation unit. Treatment in two hybrid systems which combined: 1.Activated sludge technique and ultrafiltration-aerobic bioreactor 2.Activated sludge technique (reactor equipped whit separate denitrification and nitrification tanks and ultrafiltration) Apparatus consists of : Aerobic membrane bioreactor Capillary module
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Aerobic membrane bioreactor Capillary module
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Pollution indices Conc. of pollution in raw wastewater Retention R% Conc. of pollution in purified wastewater COD BOD Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Effectiveness of wastewater treatment in membrane bioreactor using an acitivated sludge
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Treatment of meat industry wastewater using dissolved air flotation and advanced oxidation process monitored by GC-MS and LC-MS Flotation Used worldwide as an efficient solid separation technique More efficient and faster then sedimentation techniques Produces lower sludge volumes The main working parameters: diameter of the bubbles, saturation time and saturation pressure Advanced oxidation process Able to mineralize organic water contaminants Use strog oxidizing agents and/or catalysts and high energy radiation (UV)
.. 1st Students Meeting Waterfriend Presentation/lecture has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the presentation/lecture is the sole responsibility of University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority. Thanks !