Marion County Utilities Performance Measurement and Strategic Planning April 23, 2015 Flip Mellinger Director Marion County Utilities 352-307-4626
Brief History Marion County Utilities – born in 1995 Purchased major private Utility service area - 2001 Purchased Florida Water Services assets – 2003 Agreed not to raise rates for 5 years Seriously underfunded – lacked sufficient manpower Maintenance deferred – Assets failing BCC forced to raise rates – Tiered Rate Structure 5 year plan: 9% April 2009, 9% October 2009, 9% October 2010, 4.5% October 2011, 4.5% October 2012
Old Stonecrest Plant Very inefficient and No available capacity Florida Water allowed System to run into ground. Consisted of a McNeil Plant, 2 Rain for Rent tanks, and 2 US Water portable Plants Very inefficient and ineffective - compliance failure No available capacity
Loch Harbor WWTP Badly deteriorated metal structure Supports Loch Harbor Condominiums Badly deteriorated metal structure Metal has been patched several times Plant has exceeded its useful life Flows being sent to Stonecrest Water Reuse Facility
Impacts Overall 36% rate increase + Implementation of water conservation tiered rate structure Some customers saw water bills more than double Major political issue
Benchmarking Utilities track: 28 Performance data points Higher than normal labor expenditure to track 38 Performance Measures Calculated from the measures above MCU uses 22 Key Benchmarks (Goals) Some examples……
Key Benchmarking Results O&M cost per million gallons wastewater: Marion County Utilities Florida Benchmarking Consortium 2012/13 Average1 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 $2,521.27 $2,694.18 $2,930.73 $2,844.65 $2,904.36 $3,561.35 $1,737.29 (County) $3,211.84 (City) 1Florida Benchmarking Consortium FY12/13 Annual Service Report (WW064f-City and WW064f-County)
Resulting Goals & Objectives Reduce direct costs per MG wastewater: Continue to regionalize SCADA Implementation Greater control of plants – reduced electricity Less manpower Upgrade / modernize facilities for efficiency Reduced from 11 WWTPs to 6 – going to 5
Stonecrest WRF
Accomplishments: Significantly reduce operations and maintenance costs $15.5M in 2008 to $11.7M in 2013 Improve Bond ratings Moodys from A1 to Aa3 Standard and Poors to AA- Refinance old Debt – net savings of nearly $5M Reduce Rates – 9% reduction on October 1st