Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) as a collaborative and multinational project Arif Cagdas AYDINOGLU
Overview Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Geo-Data Infrastructure (GDI / SDI) INSPIRE
x y z xyz All objects has a location... Geo-information, %80 of all information … %90 of decision support information…
what, where, why, how,... ? GIS - Geographic Information Systems GIS is capable of capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geo- information… Main function as information system; GIS provides better decisions through mapping and modelling our world.
Geo-information has economic / social / policy value… GIS - Geographic Information Systems
But currently we have islands of data of different standards and quality
Cross-sector/-border interoperability TN:Transport networks EL:Elevation BU:Buildings SO:Soil PF:Production and industrial facilities AF:Agricultural and aquaculture facilities ER:Energy Resources HB:Habitats and biotopes SD:Species distribution AM:Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones & reporting units PD: Population Distribution US: Utilities and Governmental Services (Waste Management) Smart cities Environmental Impact Assessment Risk Management … health emissions energy INSPIRE data Data from other sectors
INSPIRE, Europe’s lingua franca for anything geospatial Directive 2013/37/EU of 26 June 2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information (PSI) Directive 2003/98/EC Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of the Regions: A Digital Agenda for Europe – COM(2010) 245 final/2 EU Open Data Strategy Towards interoperability for European public services COM(2010) 744 EU implementation of the G8 Open Data Charter Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions : A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe
Why Europe needs a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)? Natural Disasters and as well as other environmental phenomena do not stop at national borders! 20% of the EU citizens (115 million) live within 50 Km from a border 70% of all fresh water bodies in Europe are part of a trans-boundary river basin !!
Building a European SDI is complex Europe is a patchwork of several countries with different traditions, cultures and socio-economic models This is reflected in the different ways in which geo-spatial data is managed
Which data sets exist? I cannot access them Who owns it? How can I access it? What’s the scope? What’s the quality? I cannot view or download it I don’t understand the data and map content INSPIRE in a nutshell
Comprehensive data inventory (Monitoring & Reporting IR) Facilitate data discovery through standardised discovery services & metadata (IR on Network Services & Metadata) Data sharing (IR on Data and Service Sharing) Facilitate data access by allowing standardised view, download and transformation (IR on Network Services) Facilitate data use and interoperability by adopting common cross-domain models to exchange data (IR on Data Interoperability)
(1997) FP5 – JRC Project GI&GIS: Harmonisation and Interoperability The need for a European Geographic Information Infrastructure ( ) MoU Commissioners Wallstróm, Solbes, Busquin Preparation of the INSPIRE Directive (2003) FP6 – JRC ESDI Action: Towards a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (2004) EC Proposal for the INSPIRE Directive ( ) MoU DG ENV, JRC and ESTAT. INSPIRE Policy development and first Implementation steps (2006) JRC created the SDI Unit (2007) Adoption of INSPIRE Directive ( ) FP7 – JRC Actions SHAPE and ENABLE Support INSPIRE development and implementation (2013) MoU DG ENV- JRC INSPIRE Implementation, Maintenance and Evolution Anticipation Policy development Implementation INSPIRE – a (success) story
A collaborative effort Transparency and inclusiveness Stakeholder consultations Support to Member States on the implementation Extend INSPIRE to and ensure consistency of different policy domains Promote INSPIRE in international standardisation
How? Maintenance and Implementation Framework (MIF) set up by the Commission, in agreement with the Member States Coordinated by Commission Expert Group on INSPIRE Maintenance & Implementation (MIG) with representatives of the Member States Technical and policy sub-groups (MIG-T and MIG-P) Following a rolling work programme (MIWP) MIWP actions executed through temporary sub-groups Supported by a pool of INSPIRE implementation experts
Find out more
Sharing good practices National implementation webinars Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Germany Implementation examples Good practices, e.g. Extensions APIs Open data Many sessions
INSPIRE Thematic Cluster
INSPIRE – the future /
.. Thanks... Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif Cagdas AYDINOGLU Gebze Technical University TURKEY web: