May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 1 Safety Groups’ Sponsor General Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 1 Safety Groups’ Sponsor General Meeting

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 2 Accreditation for Ontario Workplaces

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 3 Accreditation for Ontario Workplaces “Accreditation” is the recognition of occupational health and safety (OHS) policies, programs, management and practices (including outcomes) in workplaces that meet an accepted OHS standard. An accreditation standard will be based on recognized programs and practices known to be associated with successful health and safety outcomes.

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 4 Consultation Details Consultation launched February 27, 2007 and closed April 30, Consultation paper was sent directly to more than 150 WSIB stakeholders with a letter inviting written or face to face feedback. The paper was posted on our web site allowing any interested individual or group to provide feedback.

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 5 Stakeholder Response Total Responses:80 –Written:31 –Face to face:49 CSAO Labour/Management meetings (10)

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 6 Consultation Responses Employer Associations Organized Labour Construction Safety Groups Small Business Individuals Government (Ministry of Government Services)

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 7 Consultation Themes Program design –Superior Performance –Advantages/Disadvantages –Improve H&S Who should participate –Eligibility –Safety Groups Recognition Rewards –Social Motivators –Legal Motivators –Financial Motivators –Purchasing/Supply chain Accrediting Partners Pilot Standards –General –Industry Specific –Size of Business –Phased Recognition –Quality Assurance –Revocation –Return to Work –Continuous Improvement Audits –Verification/comprehensive –Who conducts the audits –Audit tool –Equivalency Other –Funding by WSIB –Marketing of Program

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 8 Next Steps Completion of Consultation Phase and Summary June 2007 Preliminary Design –Recognition hierarchy –Internal/external stakeholder roles –Program framework (standard, audit, etc.) –Pilot & program evaluation logic model –Pilot Engage interested stakeholders through the design and pilot phases of the project to share their expertise and work toward the goal of achieving the best design.

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 9 Update Re: 2008 Element Criteria, Return to Work Elements & Safety Culture Design Features

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 10 Background Board of Directors Recommendation “Strengthen current audit reviews and introduce rigorous guidelines/criteria to validate the effectiveness of the completed achievement elements” Beginning with the 2007 program year: Beginning with the 2008 program year: “Introduce new RTW and safety culture elements”

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 11 Partnership with Volunteer Sponsors Sponsors were invited to volunteer to participate. One Sponsor from each Sector provided feedback on preliminary information. We partnered with the following volunteer sponsors to form a working group and draft the element criteria; EAC / CME Safety Group Dunk & Associates Transportation Safety Group McDonald’s Restaurants Safety Group OFSWA Forestry Safety Group We held working group meetings with the sponsors on; April 13 th, May 4 th Sponsors provided input and agreed on the concept and draft element criteria for 40 program elements

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 12 2-Year Implementation Plan To achieve program enhancement, a two-stage implementation plan has been developed; 1.The 2008 spot-checks of the 2007 Program Year will be enhanced to include; Achievement Reports signed by firm, Employee Interview Questions & Observation factored into firm score 2.New and enhanced element criteria has been developed to be used for the 2008 Program Year with the objectives of; Criteria to achieve alignment with Prevention Programs, (e.g. SCIP, Workwell), and reference Prevention documents to create reliable objective criteria for each element, and Formatted to the 5-Step Management System.

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 13 Return To Work Implementation 2008 – Mandatory elements 1.RTW Self-Assessment WSIB RTW Self-Assessment Guide completes a gap analysis of RTW program and develops a RTW action plan. 2.RTW Program Development Policy, procedure, roles and responsibilities, RTW Plans, forms, and letters 3.Physical Demands Analysis A review of how the job is done based on movement of the body, activity demands and risk identification 4.RTW Case Management Procedure of contact with injured worker, return to work meetings to identify suitable work, and reporting requirements. 5.RTW Performance Tracking Defined performance indicators to measure program outcomes

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 14 Safety Culture Implementation 2008 Current Options include: Leadership Element: Worker Well-being –Wellness initiatives that promote health and safety as an overall cultural benefit, such as, smoking cessation, nutrition and fitness programs Program Design Features: Leader signature on SGP Action Plan Leader signature on SGP Achievement Report Leader attends one Safety Group meeting annually More rigorous observations and interviews of employees during spot-check validation of program elements SG Consultant meets leader during SG Audit

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 15 Benefits Tool to validate implementation of the 5-step management system against clear criteria for each element Requirements outlined for Step 1: written standards, to help firms meet provincial standards and better prepare for accreditation Still allows flexibility around Steps to meet the needs of different types & sizes of firms Program transparency – clear audit criteria so firms know what to expect from WSIB Sponsors have better information to assist firms to be prepared and successful for SG audit

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 16 Communication 1.May 25, 2007 Present information at General Sponsors’ Meeting 2.June 2007 Prepare a Communications Plan 3.September - November 2007 Communicate to members at Safety Group meetings –Members Bulletin – first week of September –Training sessions Safety Group Consultants (team) Sponsors (6 sessions across the province) Safety Groups (46) Print & provide revised Employer Guidelines

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 17 Future Activities SG Consultant Training: –August 29 - (9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) - Simcoe Place Sponsor Train the Trainer Sessions: Ottawa Office - Tuesday September 11, (9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.), 5th Floor Hamilton Office - Wednesday September 5, (9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.), Thunder Bay Room, 4th Floor Kitchener Office - Thursday September 6, (9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.), 3rd Floor Boardroom. Mississauga, CHSI, Monday September 10, (9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.), Room F Mississauga, CHSI, Wednesday September 12, (9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.), Room F

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 18 The Big Picture Mission: To provide an incentive for member workplaces to invest & implement effective H&S and RTW programs, in partnership with Sponsors Goals: Health, safety & RTW to become an integral part of the daily business process of members, and practiced in the workplace Members to become H&S leaders & mentors, and called-on as role models for their industry, in educating & helping others to achieve breakthroughs in injury prevention & RTW outcomes Be the ‘best-in-class’ H&S program, offering members a forum to share & collaborate in learning & experiences with each other & the WSIB Be financially sustainable Superior performance over non-members in workplace injury frequency & severity, & aligned with WSIB targets & measures

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 19 Example Draft Element Criteria for One Element Joint Health & Safety Committee Compliance with applicable legislation All documents dated and current  Written Standard Composition, selection and term of membership Meeting schedule and frequency Monthly inspections Accident investigations Process for recommendations to employer  Communication  Posting of minutes and inspections  Training  Certification training completed for minimum of one management representative and one worker representative  Evaluation  Documented method, type & date_______________________________________________  Acknowledge Success / Make Improvements  Documented method, type & date _______________________________________________

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 20 Safety Group Profiles / Report Cards

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors Rebate Process

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 22 New Information Management System

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 23 What are we doing? Responding to Value for Money recommendations Automating some of Safety Group Program’s manual processes –Improved monitoring & compliance Storing information in a common database Building a web-based system. Using the business needs and requirements that have been documented

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 24 Benefits to the Sponsor Consultants will have more information to share with Sponsors –Up to date information –Historical data Sponsors will have an updated Access database that will make communication with WSIB easier

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 25 Next Steps Starting work with the Technical team (in-house custom build) We will consult with Sponsors for feedback Project is expected to take approx. 8 months Kathleen Brinkman, Project Manager Michelle Holmes, Project Lead

May 25, 2007 Presentation to Safety Group Sponsors 26 Wrap Up