The Way Forward:
Building on the First Year Main Achievements of 2013 Sensitisation Campaign Introduction of New Programmes/Services More Stability-Crime rate has stabilized Enhanced co-operation People are talking of SR
Building on the First Year Priority Areas for 2014 Ensure completion of national projects relating to identified at-risk groups 1.Night Shelter for the Homeless 2.Implementation of Youth Correctional Centre: Ex-YRTC site on Praslin 3.Proposal for a Rehabilitation Program for Students with Behavioural Difficulties. 4.Establishment of Juvenile Approved Institution-(juvenile project for delinquent school children, and those of school age) VictimsAt Risk GroupsPrevention
Building on the First Year The SR Initiative is based on a long-term process. It is not only about addressing social problems but is also about equipping and empowering people.
Building on the First Year Priority Areas for 2014 PREVENTION: 74% of the SR Plan Challenges Youth Behaviour: Under-age drinking, violence and indiscipline in schools Parents: Roles and Responsibilities WHAT ARE THE SECTORAL ISSUES?
Building on the First Year Recommendations from First Evaluation Report 1.Reinforcing and simplifying the core messages of social renaissance. There is still lack of clear communication strategy and media plan
Building on the First Year Recommendations from First Evaluation Report 2.Public officials should not be afraid to connect what they are doing to the Social Renaissance Initiative. No one operates in a vacuum. How committed are we?
Building on the First Year Recommendations from First Evaluation Report 3. Expectations should be better managed. There are no easy and quick solutions. And we will never rid Seychelles of all the social ills.
Building on the First Year Recommendations from First Evaluation Report 4. There still need better co-ordination amongst Government organisations. Smart Partnerships, Think-Tanking, Integrated Approach Working together
Building on the First Year Recommendations from First Evaluation Report 5. We have to ensure consistency A clear way forward and strongly agreed positions on issues
Building on the First Year Recommendations from First Evaluation Report 6. Artists, musicians and sportspersons can be part of sensitisation efforts. The arts and sports should be playing a more active role.
Civil Society/Private Sector Enhanced collaboration Partnerships The Church/ Religious Organisations Businesses NGOs
2014 Work Plan Need to be more pro-active and action oriented Address specific pertinent issues e.g – - drunk and disorderly (Implementation of ASBO) - Noise pollution (ASBO) - Under aged drinking - Youth Empowerment programme - Environmental issues - Youth anti-social behaviour
2014 WORK PLAN Aligning and actualising sectoral work plan to the Social Renaissance Plan of Action Media plan to support our programmes and activities
SR THEME 2014 RESPECT YOUR NEIGHBOURS Family level – Respect/peace in the home & Vicinity School level – Respect student code of conduct at school and in public Work level – Respect for colleagues, work environment Public places/beaches – Respect for other users
Thank you