The Respiratory System WebQuest by Ashley Layne
Introduction The Respiratory System is one the many organ systems in the body. Whether you realize or not, you are breathing. You don’t have to tell your body to breathe, it does it on it’s own. This WebQuest will guide you on a journey to discover the different structures and functions of the respiratory system.
Task You may choose to work with a partner or work on your own. Please answer the questions on the next page in your notebook. Use the resources provided to find the answers to these questions. Once your are finished, please type up the questions and your answers into a document.
Process- Questions 1.Describe the functions of the respiratory system. 2.Summarize how often a person breathes. 3.Name the different structures of the respiratory system. 4.Explain why the lungs are found in the chest cavity. 5.Describe the benefits of having the airways lined with cilia. 6.List six factors that control breathing rate. 7.Choose one of the factors from number six to explain in detail. 8.Name the part of the nervous system that controls breathing. 9.Explain the purpose of hemoglobin. 10.Describe the process of inhaling and exhaling with a focus on muscles.
Resources Use the provided websites and videos to explore the Respiratory System body/human-body/lungs-article/ body/human-body/lungs-article/
Evaluation CATEGORY4321 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar One or fewer errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report. Two or three errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report. Four errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report. More than 4 errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report. ParticipationUsed time well in class and focused attention on the WebQuest Used time pretty well. Stayed focused on the experiment most of the time. Did the WebQuest but did not appear very interested. Focus was lost on several occasions. Participation was minimal OR student was hostile about participating. Components of the report All required elements are present and additional elements that add to the report (e.g., thoughtful comments, graphics) have been added. All required elements are present. One required element is missing, but additional elements that add to the report (e.g., thoughtful comments, graphics) have been added. Several required elements are missing.
Conclusion Whole Group Assessment- Joey is telling his friends about the functions of the respiratory system. He says that one of the functions of the respiratory system is to put Carbon Dioxide into the bloodstream and circulate it throughout the body. Is he correct? Thumbs up for yes, thumbs down for no. Why or why not? How can you correct this statement?