Toddlers- Intellectual & Social Development Chapter 12 & 13
Vocabulary Deferred Imitation: The ability to recall someone’s behavior and later imitate it. Deferred Imitation: The ability to recall someone’s behavior and later imitate it. Baby feeding a doll the way adults feed babies. Baby feeding a doll the way adults feed babies. Used both in pretend play and language. Used both in pretend play and language. Attributes: Distinctive characteristics of an object, such as size, shape, color and texture. Attributes: Distinctive characteristics of an object, such as size, shape, color and texture. Perceive differences. Perceive differences. Comparison. Comparison.
Vocabulary Children’s vocabulary grows slowly until 18 months to 2 years of age. Children’s vocabulary grows slowly until 18 months to 2 years of age. The fastest growth occurs around 30 months of age. The fastest growth occurs around 30 months of age.
Vocabulary From months, toddlers use one-word sentences. From months, toddlers use one-word sentences. “Bye-bye” could mean a moving object or to make a request like “Let’s go!” “Bye-bye” could mean a moving object or to make a request like “Let’s go!” First words are usually nouns and simple verbs like mama, daddy, kitty, run, bye-bye. First words are usually nouns and simple verbs like mama, daddy, kitty, run, bye-bye. Then, the child learns descriptive words like big,, hot, pretty, loud and fast. Then, the child learns descriptive words like big,, hot, pretty, loud and fast.
Vocabulary After 19 months, children combine two or more words… After 19 months, children combine two or more words… Milk gone. Milk gone. By months, children combine three or more words. By months, children combine three or more words. All gone milk or Milk all gone. All gone milk or Milk all gone.
Vocabulary Autonomy: A form of self-control in which a person seeks to do his or her will. Autonomy: A form of self-control in which a person seeks to do his or her will. Builds on expanding motor and mental skills. Builds on expanding motor and mental skills. They’re proud and their new skills and want to use them. They’re proud and their new skills and want to use them. Self-Esteem: Feeling good about yourself and what you can do. Self-Esteem: Feeling good about yourself and what you can do. People with high amounts of self-esteem believe they are worthwhile people. People with high amounts of self-esteem believe they are worthwhile people.
Emotions Toddlers can sense emotions in others. Toddlers can sense emotions in others. Detect fear in adults. Detect fear in adults. Sense something’s wrong when an adult is anxious. Sense something’s wrong when an adult is anxious. Imitate other children’s emotions. Imitate other children’s emotions. Ability to imagine scary things… Monsters, etc… Ability to imagine scary things… Monsters, etc…
Emotions Affection: Express affection for caregivers, toys, pets by wanting to be near them Affection: Express affection for caregivers, toys, pets by wanting to be near them Fear: Fears increase quickly after age two because they know more about things to fear. Fear: Fears increase quickly after age two because they know more about things to fear. Animals, darkness, nightmares, “bad people,” injury, gestures and startling noises. Animals, darkness, nightmares, “bad people,” injury, gestures and startling noises. Never tease toddlers about their fears or push them into scary situations. Never tease toddlers about their fears or push them into scary situations. Avoid too much TV. Avoid too much TV.
Emotions Anxiety: Separation anxiety continues into the toddler stage and sometimes beyond. Anxiety: Separation anxiety continues into the toddler stage and sometimes beyond. Parents must make sure the child receives good, loving care during separations. Parents must make sure the child receives good, loving care during separations. Nightmares: Can begin around 2 years of age. Nightmares: Can begin around 2 years of age. These bad dreams are a way of dealing with anxiety. These bad dreams are a way of dealing with anxiety. Decrease over time. Decrease over time.
Emotions Anger: Toddlers react with anger when unable to achieve their goals. Anger: Toddlers react with anger when unable to achieve their goals. Temper Tantrums: Sudden emotional outbursts of anger. Temper Tantrums: Sudden emotional outbursts of anger. Lie on the floor, kicking and screaming. Lie on the floor, kicking and screaming. Ignoring the toddler may cause him/her to stop. Ignoring the toddler may cause him/her to stop. After the tantrum is over, give the toddler love and reassurance. After the tantrum is over, give the toddler love and reassurance. A child’s anger is not purposefully directed toward others until three years old. A child’s anger is not purposefully directed toward others until three years old.