Keeping healthy Diet and exercise How bodies defend themselves Food Groups and balanced diet Factors that affect body mass Metabolic rate Energy intake in food vs energy use (growth, exercise etc) Inherited factors More exercise = healthier Types of Microorganisms Why microbes make you feel ill How the immune system defends against diseases White blood cells Vaccination The immune system Microbes Treatment Painkillers Antibiotics Antibiotics resistance Growing micro-organisms
Nerves & Hormones Nervous System Control in the human body Stimuli and receptors Reflex actions Temperature Glucose Hormones Controlling internal conditions Control in Plants Sensitive to light, gravity and moisture How auxin controls phototropism and gravitropism Commercial use of plant hormones Ions Water General function Control of the menstrual cycle Fertility drugs and contraceptives
Drugs Drug testing Use & Misuse Process of developing new drugs Clinical Trials Dose Single-blind/ double-blind Placebo Alcohol Cannabis Impact of legal vs illegal Misuse Addiction Specific drugs Statins Thalidomide Nicotine Performance enhancing drugs Illegal recreational drugs What is a drug?