Blaise Pascal French scientist, philosopher, and mathematician
Pascal’s Childhood He was born on June 19, Pascal was interested in Geometry from the start. By the age of 12 he had mastered Euclid’s elements.
Pascal’s Calculator In 1642, Pascal developed a mechanical calculator. He made this to speed up arithmetic for his father. Numbers are dialed in on metal wheels and the solutions appear in little windows on the top.
Pascal’s Triangle Pascal's triangle is a array of numbers This triangle has many different number patterns It determines probability and solves problems involving combinations Used in many math sections
Pascal's Death August 19,1662 He died at 39 years Malignant growth in his stomach spread to his brain.
Credits : Kris Erin Jaclyn Lucretia
Credits Credits Continued, Lucretia Smith (group leader) Kris Jensen (Reference page) Erin Betteridge (Summary page) Jaclyn Ivonnet (Completed story board page)
Bibliography “Blaise Pascal.” Microsoft Encarta “BlaisePascal.”Members.aolcom/Katha renaE/ private/philo/Pascal/Pascal. HTML. Dale Seymore Publishing. Visual Patterns in Pascal’s triangle Dale Seymore Publishing. Portraits for class room bulletin boards