Ophthalmic Payments National User Group Meeting 2 nd February 2012
Electronic Links Ocuco (Acuitas) –Pilot commenced on 15 th May 2011 for GOS 3, GOS 4 & GOS 5 claims
Electronic Links Optisoft –Accredited for GOS 3 in January 2012 –GOS 1 pilot commenced in August 2011 pilot to be completed in February 2012 –GOS 3 pilot to commence shortly
Electronic Links Optinet –Accredited for GOS 1, GOS 3, GOS 4, GOS 5 & GOS 6 in September 2011 –GOS 1 pilot commenced in January 2012
Electronic Links Optix –GOS 3 & GOS 4 pilot completed –GOS 3 & GOS 4 national implementation now available
Electronic Links Accredited Suppliers, Pilots & Electronic Links Activity –There is a link, called national availability & pilots, now available on the Ophthalmic Payments Bulletin Board showing latest eGOS activity and pilot information –
Electronic Links Activity Details – 324 active stores 218 Specsavers stores 75 practices using the Optix system 24 Vision Express stores use Ocuco 7 Independents –34 requested activations pending –184 stores using automatic process –116 PCT/LHBs over 53 agencies 7 new PCTs & 2 agencies
Electronic Links Claim Volumes –5,252,758 GOS 1 –1,563 GOS 3 –218 GOS 4 –2 GOS 5 –22 GOS 6
Practice wishing to use links Check for accredited supplier at the practice (using activity page) –If yes, follow usual activation process found on the Bulletin Board –If no, then pass on the URL for the NHS CfH Ophthalmic payments electronic links website & ask the practice to forward it to their system supplier –
Raising Ophthalmic Change Requests Ensure new CRs are raised 1 week before next OPUG meeting Multiple places to raise a new Ophthalmic CR –‘Contact Details’ from OE login –OE Bulletin Board –Ophthalmic Bulletin Board
Raising Ophthalmic Change Requests
Completed Change Requests 4402 Hull, PPC reports to include actual GOS payment values 21 st July 3815 WYCSA, Batched GOS 3 & GOS 4 claims 27 th July 4491 Thames Valley, Delete Pre Notifications Patient records 28 th July 4316 BSC South, include all electronic statements in one to contractor 2 nd August
Completed Change Requests 4373 Suffolk, Update process on Pre Notification Detail includes the Contractor Code 9 th August 4499 Thames Valley, force GOS 6 re-test code from Pre Notification Patient claims 9 th August 4541 LASCA, Contractor screen includes original date of inclusion onto the list 31 st August 4562 SBS, ‘Input Type’ is now available on the List Historic Claims screen 7 th September
Completed Change Requests 4450 BSC South, One daily input list report for all claim types 12 th September 4614 LASCA, Enhanced Services Summary Statement has been included within the Selected Statement report 18 th October 4642 BSC Centre, General Purpose Audit Report can report on GOS 1 & GOS 6 claims separately 19 th October
Completed Change Requests 4569 Hampshire, NHS Ophthalmic Payment Encryption Utility (version 1.4) can automatically extract payment statement PDF files from an encrypted Zip file 27 th October 4564 SBS, Frequency of Re- Test Reasons Report can report on selected payment cycles and includes a file output (CSV) option 3 rd November
Completed Change Requests 4732 CIC, Archive Inactive Pre Notification Claims Older than 6 months utility now includes records with a GOS 6 claim 4 th January 4683 Bromley, General Purpose Audit Report facility includes the Claims for Enhanced Services report, showing details focused on enhanced service claims, PDF report & CSV options available 11 th January
Completed Change Requests 4765 Surrey, Pre Notify Patient screen now has short-cut keys, using ALT-S for save and ALT- U for update 23 rd January
Rejected/Withdrawn Change Requests 4439 NE CSA, Allow multiple fees for enhanced services Rejected by OPUG 7 th July 4538 Kent, Duplicate checking Withdrawn 2 nd August 4557 ASB, Automatic check on performer details Rejected 6 th September 4581 LASCA, Reduce some fields on input screens for different roles Rejected 7 th September
Rejected/Withdrawn Change Requests 4695 CIC, Batched GOS 3/GOS 4 to use same entry method as GOS 1/GOS 6 Rejected 22 nd November 4639 BSC South, Additional audit information for Cataract enhanced service claims Withdrawn 19 th January 4788 Dudley, CSV report for Contractor & Performer list Withdrawn 24 th January
Open Change Requests 4361 Wolverhampton (page 32) Electronic input for enhanced service claims (currently in development) 4606 SBS (page 33) Electronic claims waiting for approval should pre-populate and display the correct payment value (currently in peer testing)
Open Change Requests 4694 NE PCSA (page 34) Postcode & Date Collected to be made optional fields on GOS 3/GOS 4 claims (to be discussed by OPUG) 4697 BSC Centre (page 35) Default patient reason to ‘Under 16’ on GOS 4 and ‘Over 60’ for GOS 6 entry screens (to be discussed by OPUG) 4781 LASCA (page 36) Remove BACS payment detail when practice end date entered (to be discussed by OPUG)
Open Change Requests 4787 Dudley (page 38) Payment Analysis reports to have archive facility 4789 Dudley (page 39) Students age validation should be 16 – 18
Change Requests missing in final report 4796 LASCAAmalgamate optician statements grouped by PCT/LHB code and address 4797 LASCAInclude Trading Name on contractor list screen
Online Help Review Completed during December 2011 –Main help & individual pages –Seen by us as a success analysis of logs shows a 50% reduction in numbers for December 2010 & 2011 improvements to continue –Please use the available help to seek advice & guidance