December 11, 2009 OXON HILL, Md. — Just Born, maker of the chick- and bunny-shaped marshmallow Easter treats called Peeps, is officially opening its first store devoted to well-known products. The shop sells 850 Peeps products, including plush toys, clothing, china and a hand-blown glass Peep. The store is a monument to the marshmallow creations, with ultra yellow awnings, chick-shaped door handles and 3-D chick tilework behind the register. Most of the offerings are not edible, but the store does sell the spongy chicks, which have a shelf life rivaling Twinkies and were first produced in the 1950s. An artist, who crafted artwork with Peeps for more than a decade, will display some of his work is in the store…said one spectator to the artist, "Thank God you found something to do with those things other than eat them.” XCh. 18 (air pollution) XExam Dec. 17 (Thursday, 10am-12) äCh (fossil fuels to air pollution + presentations) Peeps store opens near D.C., a monument to marshmallow STERLING, Conn. - A holy cow in Connecticut, perhaps? Or maybe a divine bovine?
National Ambient Air Quality Standards POLLUTANTSTANDARD STANDARD VALUE * TYPE Carbon Monoxide (CO) 8-hour Average9 ppm(10 mg/m 3 )Primary 8-hour Average9 ppm(10 mg/m 3 )Primary 1-hour Average35 ppm(40 mg/m 3 )Primary 1-hour Average35 ppm(40 mg/m 3 )Primary Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ) Annual Arithmetic Mean0.053 ppm(100 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary Annual Arithmetic Mean0.053 ppm(100 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary Ozone (O 3 ) 1-hour Average0.12 ppm(235 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary 1-hour Average0.12 ppm(235 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary 8-hour Average0.08 ppm(157 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary 8-hour Average0.08 ppm(157 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary Lead (Pb) Quarterly Average1.5 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Quarterly Average1.5 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Particulate (PM 10) Particles with diameters of 10 micrometers or less Annual Arithmetic Mean50 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Annual Arithmetic Mean50 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average150 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average150 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Particulate (PM 2.5) Particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or less Annual Arithmetic Mean15 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Annual Arithmetic Mean15 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average65 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average65 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) Annual Arithmetic Mean0.030 ppm(80 µg/m 3 )Primary Annual Arithmetic Mean0.030 ppm(80 µg/m 3 )Primary 24-hour Average0.14 ppm(365 µg/m 3 )Primary 24-hour Average0.14 ppm(365 µg/m 3 )Primary 3-hour Average0.50 ppm (1300 µg/m 3 )Secondary 3-hour Average0.50 ppm (1300 µg/m 3 )Secondary * Parenthetical value is an approximately equivalent concentration.
Lead (Pb) XSources äHistorically äCurrently XHealth effects
Carbon monoxide (CO) XSources XHealth effects
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) XSources ä automobiles, fossil fuels “LA smog” XHealth effects
Good vs. “Bad” Ozone XFunctions XEffects on health 2006 Antarctica Ozone “hole” (largest on record)
Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) XSources XEffects äHealth äEnvironment äStructures
Denver, CO Particulate Matter XSources äPM2.5 äPM10 XHealth effects XEnvironment äHaze Rule
Other Air Pollutants XIndoor air pollutants äCO äRadon äMold äVOCs