GeoSummit The Hungry Planet: “A Gastronomical Tour of the World”
Why a GeoSummit? Kick-off event to start the school year Reflection of our world studies focus Globalize the appearance of the hallways Unique event for a unique school Total school involvement …Team Building
What is a GeoSummit? Each homeroom is assigned a country to research. Homeroom classes research & create a Country Pavilion during dedicated class times during the: Weeks of Sept 3-7 AND Sept Homeroom classes create their Country Pavilion during the Week of Sept The absolute DEADLINE for having your Country Pavilion put together is Fri Sept 21!!!
What is a GeoSummit? The GeoSummit “Walkabout” will occur on Friday, Sept After lunch! During the “Walkabout,” students will tour other Country Pavilions on their team. Record observations in their GeoJournals Each homeroom will be assigned to a team of SIX.
Teacher Teams & Country Assignments TBA – Coming to your mailboxes this Friday!! Math Intervention teachers will be assigned to work with a team during the dedicated research days. Part-time teachers will co-share a Pavilion: AM teacher creates it / PM teacher does “Walkabout”
What is a Country Pavilion? Exhibits, posters, maps, artifacts, bulletin boards based upon the FOUR following categories of research involving food: 1. Culture & Traditions related to foods 2. Food and its impact on Health 3. Sustainability and Food Security 4. Global Trade and Economics of Food Supply
Bulletin Boards / Banners / Posters / Maps Table Displays with artifacts, realia, or books Student-made crafts Photographs or artwork Looping Power Point slide show Play music from your country Miscellaneous: currency, flags, masks, alphabet charts, dioramas, magazines, books newspapers, clothing Ideas for your Pavilion...
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