Mycorrhizae Structures formed by roots of plants and hyphae of fungi Help with absorption Symbiotic relationship: products of photosynthesis in return for nutrients
Lichen Symbiosis Symbiotic relationship of a fungus + photosynthetic partner Partner lives in fungus and exchanges nutrients Bioindicator: lichen dies = air quality bad
Molds Grow in the form of hyphae, creates a network called mycelium Visible mold is a result of mold colonies Grow on dead, organic matter Reproduce through spores
Types of Molds Apprx. 400,000 types of molds, that can be separated into: Allergenic Molds: effect only those allergic; mild effects such as sore throat Pathogenic Molds: produce infection and serious health effects in people w/suppressed immune systems. Toxigenic Molds: causes serious health effects in most from toxic effects such as cancer
Use of Molds Decompose organic materials Penicillin from Penicillium Ferment cheese Produce microtoxins, lead to neurological problems Cyclosporine from Tolypocladium inflatum Cholesterol-lowering drugs
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