A Tandem Learning Experience for Second Language Learners Through Skype
Colleen Blaurock, Ph.D. 21 st Century Grant Director Spanish Teacher Department Chair Erica Houston, ESL Teacher/Department Chair/Teacher/In-Service Instructor
2012 TESOL Presentation Overview of ESL in Ohio Demographics of our two districts Project specifics Video of Skype exchange Findings for both groups of students How to replicate the project If we were to do this project again… Questions/comments
AN OVERVIEW: ESL in Ohio Painesville City Schools Painesville, Ohio
ESL in Ohio Pre-Las/LAS- Administered if another language is indicated on the Home Language Survey OTELA – Ohio Test of English Language Acquisition (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) Administered January-March each year 1- Pre-functional 2- Beginning 2- Beginning 3- Intermediate 3- Intermediate 4- Advanced 4- Advanced 5- Full English Proficiency 5- Full English Proficiency *Students exit the ESL program by attaining 2 scores of 4 or a 5 on OTELA. *Students exit the ESL program by attaining 2 scores of 4 or a 5 on OTELA.
Painesville City Schools Painesville, Ohio It is located in northeast Ohio, just 2 miles south of Lake Erie’s shoreline and twenty- five miles east of Cleveland. It is a 7.7 square mile urban community made up of a highly diverse population of about 17,500 people. Of the 3100 children served by Painesville City Local School District, 75% of them are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch. The district has just completed its five-year, $91 million dollar construction project; replacing all district schools with five new state-of-the-art facilities.
Painesville City Schools Painesville, Ohio District Statistics Students Student Enrollment 3051 Ethnicity African American 18 % White 34 % Hispanic 35 % * Mostly from Leon,Mexico Multiracial 13 % Other <1% * Chinese, Arabic ELL 987 * 32% of student population
Perry Local Schools Perry, Ohio It is also located in northeast Ohio and is just east of Painesville City. It is approximately 30 miles outside of Cleveland. Small farms and nurseries contribute to the local economy. Perry is home to the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. In the 1990s, the district used the tax revenue to build a state-of-the-art educational facility. The school buildings are laid out in a campus-like setting containing an Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Wellness Center and Theater. The average household income is $67,900
Perry Local Schools Perry, Ohio District Statistics Students Student Enrollment 1800 Ethnicity White97 % Hispanic2 % Multiracial/Other <1 %
The Project The purpose of the project was to provide authentic speaking opportunities for students studying a second language. The purpose of the project was to provide authentic speaking opportunities for students studying a second language. Volunteers were recruited. 6 Perry High School students in a level 2 Spanish course and 6 Painesville Middle School ESL students volunteered. Volunteers were recruited. 6 Perry High School students in a level 2 Spanish course and 6 Painesville Middle School ESL students volunteered. Simple speaking/listening tasks were created. Students took turns asking and answering questions in the second language. Both groups practiced their second language. A tandem relationship was encouraged. Simple speaking/listening tasks were created. Students took turns asking and answering questions in the second language. Both groups practiced their second language. A tandem relationship was encouraged.
The Project
Students connected through Skype. Skype is a free, online application that allows users to interact through video, voice, and/or text in real-time Students connected through Skype. Skype is a free, online application that allows users to interact through video, voice, and/or text in real-time Students connected once a week for minutes over a 12 week period of time. Students connected once a week for minutes over a 12 week period of time. Students were encouraged to stay in the target language and were given useful phrases (Slower please. Can you spell that?) to refer to. Students were encouraged to stay in the target language and were given useful phrases (Slower please. Can you spell that?) to refer to.
The Project video clip
Perry Findings The students experienced a variety of different feelings which evolved over the course of the project, and these feelings were tied to their interactions with their NS partners and their own knowledge of the second language. Fear Frustration Joy Sadness
Perry Findings The students acquired second language skills by taking ownership of their own learning and by using specific strategies. Students used English to negotiate meaning of the unknown Students used mimicry to improve pronunciation Students took ownership of their learning.
Perry Findings The students developed relationships with their NS counterparts that contributed to their feelings about the project and to their second language use. Students built a relationship by sharing personal information. Students offered support to each other in their use of the second language. Students made plans to continue the relationship outside of the Skype environment
Painesville Findings Painesville Findings MOTIVATION Behavior Incentive Behavior Incentive Increased Attendance Increased Attendance Self-Confidence Self-Confidence
Painesville Findings Painesville Findings Relationships Forged Across Cultures Students who normally associate within their own cultural became: Actively engaged and Actively engaged and enthusiastic about the project Eager anticipation of “Skype Day” Eager anticipation of “Skype Day” Less apprehensive about Less apprehensive about communicating with those from other cultures
Painesville Findings Painesville Findings OTELA DATA OTELA DATA (2009-present) (2009-present) 4/6 saw growth in composite 4/6 saw growth in composite score by at least 1 level score by at least 1 level 6/6 saw growth in Listening 6/6 saw growth in Listening 4/6 saw growth in Speaking 4/6 saw growth in Speaking 4/6 saw growth in Reading 4/6 saw growth in Reading One student has since exited ESL One student has since exited ESL
How can I do this in my district? Determine the resources you will need to connect (webcams, headsets with microphones, internet connection) Determine the resources you will need to connect (webcams, headsets with microphones, internet connection) Contact a district who would be willing to collaborate with you. Epals.com Contact a district who would be willing to collaborate with you. Epals.com
How can I do this in my district? Recruit students. Recruit students. Set up Skype accounts for each computer with a generic ID (Perry- lake-01). Set up safe accounts. Create a directory of student with whom they can chat. Set up Skype accounts for each computer with a generic ID (Perry- lake-01). Set up safe accounts. Create a directory of student with whom they can chat.
How can I do this in my district? In-service teachers and students on the use of Skype. Students need to become comfortable in front of the camera. In-service teachers and students on the use of Skype. Students need to become comfortable in front of the camera. Collaborate weekly on lesson design Collaborate weekly on lesson design
If we were to do this project again… Let the students choose the topics Let the students choose the topics Challenge the students Challenge the students Use the video footage to communicate strengths and weaknesses Use the video footage to communicate strengths and weaknesses Talk about a long term partnership. Talk about a long term partnership.