APEC, TFEP and the Strategy
APEC Premier forum in Asia Pacific for promoting: Premier forum in Asia Pacific for promoting: –free and open trade and investment –sustainable economic growth –interdependence –strengthened multilateral trading system
APEC's Three Pillars Trade and Investment Liberalisation Trade and Investment Liberalisation –Bogor Goals –Support for WTO –Free Trade Area for the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) Business Facilitation Business Facilitation –Trade facilitation –Investment facilitation –Structural economic reform Economic and Technical Cooperation Economic and Technical Cooperation
Human Security Human security agenda: emergency preparedness, counter-terrorism, health, energy security and climate change Human security agenda: emergency preparedness, counter-terrorism, health, energy security and climate change –without human security, trade and investment is disrupted
17 sectoral ministerial meetings since sectoral ministerial meetings since working groups 11 working groups 5 task forces 5 task forces 11 sub-committees / expert groups 11 sub-committees / expert groups 4 industry dialogues 4 industry dialogues
Leaders Meetings Informal annual discussions on important trade and economic developments Informal annual discussions on important trade and economic developments … plus key regional and international issues … plus key regional and international issues –Asian financial crisis, East Timor, SARS, avian influenza, Indian Ocean tsunami, North Korea and climate change Reinforces engagement of major and emerging powers (not India) in the region Reinforces engagement of major and emerging powers (not India) in the region
Task Force for Emergency Preparedness (TFEP) Response to Indian Ocean tsunami Response to Indian Ocean tsunami Leaders committed in 2005 to lessen the impact of future disasters and improve collective response capability Leaders committed in 2005 to lessen the impact of future disasters and improve collective response capability Two-year mandate renewed (March 2008) Two-year mandate renewed (March 2008) Co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia Co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia
2007 Leaders - build community resilience and preparedness 2007 Leaders - build community resilience and preparedness 2007 APEC Ministers – emergency preparedness and risk reduction an ‘abiding priority’ for APEC 2007 APEC Ministers – emergency preparedness and risk reduction an ‘abiding priority’ for APEC 2008 Trade Ministers - important to prepare for and respond to natural disasters 2008 Trade Ministers - important to prepare for and respond to natural disasters 2008 Education Ministers – integrating disaster risk eduction education into school curricula 2008 Education Ministers – integrating disaster risk eduction education into school curricula
TFEP tasked to TFEP tasked to –improve coordination and enhance intra-APEC cooperation and integration of best emergency practice, natural disaster preparedness and response efforts –build capacity in the region to mitigate, prepare for and respond to emergencies and natural disasters TFEP Mandate
Terms of Reference Work electronically wherever possible Work electronically wherever possible Coordinate, endorse, undertake and share information on APEC works Coordinate, endorse, undertake and share information on APEC works Complement other organisations Complement other organisations No relief activities No relief activities All hazards approach All hazards approach Encourage cooperation between EM officials, business and regional and international partners. Encourage cooperation between EM officials, business and regional and international partners. Encourage public-private partnerships Encourage public-private partnerships
2008 Activities Completed Completed –China Study Course –Viet Nam Dialogue –Stocktake of best practice and capacity needs Underway Underway –Emergency Management CEOs´ Seminar –Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction Pending endorsement Pending endorsement –Workshop on Large-scale Disaster Recovery –Damage Assessment Techniques Workshop –Principles for international cooperation
Why an APEC Strategy? A Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) enabler – –stimulate and contribute to knowledge, capacities and motivations of States to build disaster resilient economies and communities Align and strengthen APEC´s regional emergency preparedness capacity-building programs – –no strategic and long-term TFEP strategy (nb. mandate) – –set priorities to steer forward work program of TFEP; but also SMEWG, HWG, CTTF, ISTWG, TELWG, ATCWG, SCCP, GFPN, etc
Align with other regional organisations – –complement, not duplicate – –what are APEC´s comparative advantages? multi-sectoral participation, public-private sector partnerships, broad regional reach, and high-level political involvement unique emphasis on economic and business dimensions of emergency management (community resilience important too)
Coordinated action and shared responsibility essential – –unlikely any economy could cope with a catastrophic event alone – –economic interdependence means effects of a disaster are rarely limited to one economy