1 S I A M E M B E R C O M P A N I E S Satellite Industry Overview Satellites Are Part Of The Solution
2 Satellite Technology Trends Satellites in general are becoming more capable, with higher power and larger aperture antennas to promote frequency re-use With electronically formed beams, the beam patterns can be re- formed on command to respond to needs or changing requirements that emerge in response to market demand
3 Value of Satellite Systems Satellite systems perform most effectively when: interconnecting widely distributed networks, providing broadcasting services over very wide areas such as a country, region, or entire hemisphere providing connectivity for the “last mile” in cases where fiber networks are simply not available for interactive services. providing mobile wideband and narrow band communications satellites are best and most reliable form of communications in the case of natural disasters or terrorist attacks - fiber networks or even terrestrial wireless can be disrupted by tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.. i.e. satellites are instant infrastructure
4 Key Satellite Issues Homeland Security –Satellites Are Critical Infrastructure Satellite Broadband –Satellites Are Only Ubiquitous Broadband Provider Spectrum and New Services –Satellite Industry Continues to Innovate and Provide New Services Interference –Satellite Services Need To Be Protected from Harmful Interference International –Satellite Services Are Inherently Global/International
5 Critical to Disaster Relief and Recovery Satellites have played a key role in providing critical communications and network restoration services following many of the recent natural disasters including; September 11 th (2001) Asian tsunami (2004) Central Asian earthquake - which severed the SEA-ME-WE3 (2005) Hurricane Season in US - i.e. Katrina, Rita (2005) Taiwan Earthquake - which severed 6 major fiber-optic undersea cables (2006)
6 NTIA Regulatory Parity Petition NTIA filed Petition asking FCC to initiate rulemaking to amend National Table of Frequency Allocations to upgrade to co- primary regulatory status Federal earth stations operating in certain frequency bands. SIA supports initiation of the NTIA rulemaking request provided the following: –Federal earth stations accessing commercial satellites are subject to the same regulatory obligations as non-Federal earth stations with respect to licensing, interference, and enforcement requirements, and - Commercial and experimental earth station operations in bands shared between Federal and non-Federal users are not subject to any additional approval process by NTIA, the FCC or any other government entity as a result of co-primary status of Federal earth station operations
7 Harmonization of International Spectrum Allocations Satellite services are unique in their ability to offer both ubiquity and interoperability with terrestrial communications networks. Existing satellite spectrum must be preserved and protected from harmful interference, which in some cases could strand technology, stifle innovation, and hurt consumers. In addition, current and next generation of satellite systems offer innovative broadband services that demand access to similar amounts of spectrum as terrestrial providers. The Commission’s rules should continue to afford satellite operators sufficient technical flexibility to meet the needs of its diverse customer base. The Commission should refrain from taking actions that undercut international allocations of spectrum for satellite use
8 Impact of Unlicensed Devices Unlicensed devices are one way to increase spectrum usage, however if implemented badly, the FCC would end up giving unlicensed devices more protection rights than licensed devices. Once these devices become popular and are distributed to possibly millions of users – there is no way of knowing the effect they will have on the satellite industry The FCC should require these devices to adhere to the power restrictions and licensing requirements detailed in Section 301 of the Communications Act Unlicensed devices could ultimately be given more interference rights than licensed devices Without adequate consideration – a community of unlicensed devices may develop making it extremely difficult to enforce policies required to protect satellite systems and their customers Unlicensed devices should not be permitted to operate in the satellite bands without regulatory consideration unless there is conclusive evidence demonstrating that all licensed users will be adequately protected
9 Significant C-Band Satellite Capacity is Currently Available There are approximately 160 operational satellites in the geostationary orbit carrying frequencies in the range MHz –The spacecraft and launch costs alone represent approximately USD $40 Billion Deployment of IMT systems in these frequencies would: –Drastically reduce the benefits that these resources can bring to users around the world –Loss of the C-band capacity dramatically alters the business model for each satellite
10 C-band frequencies are used to provide a wide range of services in developed and developing countries, including critical applications such as: –Distance learning, telemedicine and universal access services –Backhaul services (telephony, Internet) –VSAT data links (e.g., bank transactions, corporate networks) –Distribution of TV programs –Government/Emergency communication links, including disaster recovery services and meteorological tracking (tsunamis) Recent earthquake off Taiwan’s southern coast widely disrupted communications throughout the Asia-Pacific region and forced telecommunications and Internet service providers to reroute traffic C-band satellites over the Asia-Pacific region were heavily used to reconnect customers –Critical for MSS feeder links Main Uses of Satellite C-Band Frequencies
11 Terrestrial Wireless Systems Seeking Access to C-band Satellite Frequencies Terrestrial groups seeking access to FSS C-band frequencies include: –Fixed systems, referred to as Fixed Wireless Access (“FWA”) –Fixed/Mobile systems, referred to as Broadband Wireless Access (“BWA”) (e.g., WiMax systems) –Mobile systems, referred to as IMT-2000 (3G systems) and IMT-Advanced (4G systems)
12 ITU Process: IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced Identification of Frequencies (3 rd and 4 th Generation Wireless Systems) WARC-92 and WRC-2000 identified approx. 750 MHz of spectrum for use by IMT-2000 between 800–2700 MHz WRC-07 (Agenda Item 1.4) will “consider frequency- related matters for the future development of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000” –The ITU-R group responsible for these studies has determined that approximately MHz of additional spectrum is required by the year 2020 –The ITU-R has identified a list of candidate bands: MHz; MHz; MHz; MHz; MHz; MHz Also includes satellite C-band MHz –SIA urging USG not to advocate identification of MHz Band for IMT at WRC 2007
13 Sharing between FSS and FWA/BWA/IMT is NOT Feasible ITU-R studies have demonstrated that sharing is not feasible within the same geographic area: –not between IMT systems and radiolocation services –not between IMT/FWA/BWA systems and the FSS Co-frequency operation of FSS earth stations and transmit fixed or mobile stations in FWA/BWA systems would impose severe constraints on both FSS and FWA/BWA Government, strategic, and commercial FSS services in the C-band will suffer: –Signal delays –Synchronization loss –Blackout periods –Blackout areas –Total loss of transmission
14 Additional Issues of Critical Importance Part 101 Rule Changes to permit the deployment of smaller fixed service antennas in the GHz band results in increased potential for intereference into FSS and MSS feeder links. Recent proceeding to authorize vehicle mounted earth stations in the extended Ku and Ku band.