What will you think of when you see the word “agriculture”? agriculture farm irrigation food crop plants grain farmer fertilizer land
Unit 2 Working the land
ploughing Weed planting harvest
Do you know what the maid food is in the south of china? What happened once there was no rice to eat ?
袁隆平,男,1930年9月出生于北京,1953年毕业于西 南农学院农学系. 被誉为中国的 “ 杂交水稻之父 ”. 在中国人民正闹饥荒的 20 世纪 60 年代,他提出了杂交水稻。 10 年后,他又研制出比一般水稻产量高出 20% 的新型水稻。 他一生献身于农业研究,曾受到联合国教科文组织、粮农组织 的称誉。因此,中国农民说,吃饭靠 “ 两平 ” ,一靠邓小平 ---- 制定了 生产承包责任制的政策,二靠袁隆平 ---- 发明了杂交稻。 Yuan Longping
A pioneer for all people
Listen to the tape and match the folling heading with each paragraph. Para1 Para2 Para3 para4 His dreams His personality His appearance and achievement His biography
1.What does Dr Yuan look like? He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim, strong body. He is more like a farmer than a scientist. 2.What’s his achievement? He grows what is called super hybrid rice. True or False 1 Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist. 2 Dr Yuan's kind of rice is the most suitable for china's farmland. F T
Para2 Put Dr Yuan's biography in right order. a. Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in b. In 1950,Chinese farmers could produce only 50 million tons of rice. c. He was born into a poor a farmer's family in d. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvest without expanding the area of the fields. e. Dr Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests. f. Nearly two hundred million tons of rice was produced. cba d f e
Which of the following description about Dr Yuan's personality in not true. A He is satisfied with his life because he is rich and famous. B He doesn't care about being famous. C He would rather work in the land than lead a comfortable life. D He enjoys a simplier life than most rich and famous people.
Para4: What were his dreams? 1. To produce a kind of rice to feed more people 2. To see his rice grown all over the world ♦ Rice plants as ____ as _______. ♦ Ear of rice is as _____ as _______________. ♦ Each grain of rice is as _____ as ___________. tall sorghum big an ear of corn huge a peanut
Name Born Graduated Appearance He has ___________ face and arms. His body is __________ but __________. All this makes him look as a real __________. AchievementsHe succeeded in _______________________. He became the first agricultural ___________ in the world to grow ____________ whose output is high. He helped the government highly increase the ____________ of grain. personality care little about _______________ would like to live __________________life Yuan Longping In Beijing in 1930 Southwest Agriculture College sunburnt slimstrong farmer growing super hybrid rice pioneer rice output /harvest money and being famous a comfortable
锄 禾 锄禾日当午, 汗滴禾下土; 谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦 . Farmers weeding at noon Sweat down the field soon Who knows food on a tray Due to their toiling day