Lesson 14: Identifying and Counting Coins Ms. Jamie Scordino 3rd Grade Math
Major World Currencies Currency is another word for money Most places, usually countries, use different currencies. Each set of currency has different values.
Major World Currencies United States Dollar Euro Japanese Yen Malaysian Ringgit British Pound Hong Kong Dollar
this symbols means “cents” United States Coins 1 5 10 25 this symbols means “cents” Penny Nickel Quarter Dime
How much money is this? 10 5 25 1 1 25 5 5 1 1 I count this as 25, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 cents. 79
How much money is this? 10 25 25 25 10 1 10 5 5 1 I count this as 25, 50, 75, 85, 95, 105, 110, 115, 116, 117 cents. 117 or $1.17
European Union (Euro) Coins 1 cent 2 cents 5 cents 10 cents 20 cents 50 cents 1 Euro 2 Euros this symbols means Euro
I count this as 50, 70, 75, 80, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89 cents. 89 cents How much money is this? I count this as 50, 70, 75, 80, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89 cents. 89 cents
How much money is this? I count this as 2 Euro, 3 Euro, 4 Euro, 4 Euro and 20 cent, 4 Euro and 30 cent, 4 Euro and 40 cent, 4 Euro and 45 cent, 4 Euro and 47 cent 4.47
This symbol means “yen” Japanese Yen Coins 500 yen 100 yen 50 yen 10 yen 5 yen 1 yen This symbol means “yen”
How much money is this? I count this as 500 yen, 550 yen, 560 yen, 570 yen, 580 yen, 581 yen, 582 yen, 583 yen. 583 yen
How much money is this? I count this as 500 yen, 1,000 yen, 1050 yen, 1,100 yen, 1,110 yen, 1,111 yen, 1,112 yen, 1,113 yen, 1,114 yen. 1,114 yen
Malaysian Ringgit 1 sen 5 sen 10 sen 20 sen 50 sen 1 ringgit
I count this as 50 sen, 70 sen, 80 sen, 81 sen, 82 sen. 82 sen How much money is this? I count this as 50 sen, 70 sen, 80 sen, 81 sen, 82 sen. 82 sen
How much money is this? I count this as1 ringgit, 1 ringgit and 50 sen, 2 ringgits, 2 ringgits 10 sen, 2 ringgits and11 sen, 2 ringgits and 12 sen. 2 ringgits and 12 sen
British Pound 1 penny 2 pence 5 pence 10 pence 20 pence 50 pence 1 pound 2 pound 5 pound
How much money is this? I count this as 20 pence, 40 pence, 60 pence, 70 pence, 80 pence, 85 pence, 87 pence, 88 pence, 89 pence. 89 pence
How much money is this? I count this as 2 pounds, 2 pounds and 50 pence, 2 pounds and 60 pence, 2 pounds and 65 pence, 2 pounds and 67 pence, 2 pounds and 69 pence, 2 pounds and 70 pence. 2 pounds and 70 pence
$ this symbols means dollars Hong Kong Dollar 10 20 50 1 2 5 10 cents dollars $ this symbols means dollars
I count this as 50 cents, 70 cents, 80 cents, 90 cents. 90 cents How much money is this? I count this as 50 cents, 70 cents, 80 cents, 90 cents. 90 cents
How much money is this? I count this as 10 dollars, 15 dollars, 15 dollars and 50 cents, 15 dollars and 60 cents, 15 dollars and 70 cents. $15.70
Thank you for a great lesson! Your Turn Thank you for a great lesson!