Wednesday March 4, 2014 OBJ: SWBAT Demonstrate their understanding of how executive agencies have positive and negative components by comparing two perspectives. Drill: What does this cartoon say about how Beauraucracy treats small business people? HW: Reading and summary
What is the Merit System? A common conception of the Federal Government's merit system principles is that they are designed to ensure fair and open recruitment and competition and employment practices free of political influence or other nonmerit factors. Although that is certainly true, a closer reading of those principles suggests a much broader policy objective that relates directly to managing the ongoing performance of the Federal workforce. In fact, the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, which incorporated the merit system principles into the law at section 2301 of title 5, United States Code, stated as national policy that:
Cabinet Departments The 15 cabinet departments headed by a cabinet secretary appointed by the president and approved by the Senate Each department “expert” in specific policy area Each department has its own budget Independent Executive Agencies Established by Congress with separate status outside the executive branch Given a specific mandate and generally perform a service function, not a regulatory one. Social Security Administration, CIA, NASA, EPA. Independent Regulatory Commissions Exist to regulate a specific economic activity or interest such as the Federal Communications Commission (public air waves) or Federal Reserve Board (banking system, money supply) Operate independently from Congress and the President Once appointed and seated, members cannot be removed without cause Government Corporations Government owned businesses created by Congress May or may not be profitable, but serve a public need U.S. Postal Service, Amtrak, Tennessee Valley Authority, Corporation for Public Broadcasting Structure of the Federal Bureaucracy
Find A Partner One of you will be reading about the positive aspects of The Endangered Species Act, the other will read arguments against it. Take notes on the arguments. After 15 minutes discuss and share notes, come to a decision.
The Endangered Species Act (1973) Forbids the “taking” of any plant or animal listed as endangered by the federal government. “Taking is defined as: “Harassing, harming, pursuing, hunting, shooting, wounding, killing, trapping, capturing, or collecting.” Species are placed on the list solely due to biological considerations and must have a “critical habitat” listed so that a suitable environment can be preserved for their survival.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) should be considered a success and a positive use of government power.
The Endangered Species Act is an absolute failure that and should be abolished.
The Endangered Species Act promotes the bureaucratic pathologies of waste and conflict.
The Endangered Species Act allows bureaucrats to meet their goals by following precise rules and therefore should not be altered or abolished.
Congress should make the following steps to assist the Endangered Species Act
Wrap Up What other government programs do you think should are controversial?