Types Of Memory
A REVIEW Memory is the system or process by which the products or results of learning are stored for future use (recall) What is something that you have recently “filed” in your brain for later use? Hint – think something you wanted to use as a “weapon” or “against someone”
Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of Memory Proposed that there are three types of memory: Sensory Short-Term Long-Term
SENSORY MEMORY First stage of memory Retention only lasts for a few seconds Largely based on what we see or hear Memory is fragile at this stage and likely disappears if not processed further “in one ear and out the other” What happens if you do not repeat a number or write it down you got from 311/411?
An Example in Action Short-Term Memory
The Facts Short-term memory is the middle stage of memory This stage is usually measured in seconds or minutes Memory is still fragile but has been processed more than in the sensory stage If processed further it will be transferred to long-term memory
The Reasons Unless memories are practiced or rehearsed, they become weaker and fade away To make room for new incoming information, some of the memories in short-term memory are pushed out or displaced (less valuable ones usually)
The Reflection How do cultural groups try and keep memories alive? A) B) C) D) E)
REFLECTION cont’d… How do you try and keep memories alive? A) B) C) D) E)
The Future??? How can it be argued that computers are negatively influencing our short-term memories? How can it be argued that computers are positively influencing our short-term memories?
The Practice Memorize the following phone numbers: (316) (401) (912)
STM continued… Memorize as many words as you can: TelephoneFordPin PoplarFax machineChevrolet OakTelegraphWalnut BuickMazdaTelevision CedarMailAudicassette PorscheMapleelm
Memory Experiment Write down as many as you can remember:
A Strategy Miller’s theory states we can only hold so many items in short-term memory As a result, grouping or chunking items together is one solution to increase memory
A Second Chance Try again. This time I will give you the categories: – Types of vehicles – Parts of a computer – Food – Clothing – Coins
STM continued… Memorize as many words as you can: LimoquarterAppleSkirt DiskkeyboardDimeCar ShirtpotatoBananaPenny PrinterbikeCarrotVan MonitormousePantsBoat NickelshoesTiecherry
How did you do? What was different? What did you do differently? How could you apply this to your daily school/life routines?