The presidents on the coins we use are pretty special! Not only are they special they like a lot of the same things such as….. Bugs! AND Counting by fives
Because they like a lot of the same things they were able to come up with a way to help kids like you count groups of coins. You know Thomas, bugs have antennae. They are those little things that stick up on their heads. Yes they do Abe and I bet we can put that together with counting by fives to help kids count us when we are in a group.
Hey guys, I have an idea! What if WE had antennas?!?! Each antennae can be worth 5 cents and kids can count by fives to figure out our value when we are in a group. That’s a great idea George! It could work.
The presidents were on to something! When a coin has antennas you can count by fives to find out how much it is worth and use the antennas to count a group of coins too! This will make counting money so easy!!
The quarter is worth 25 cents so how many antennas will it need? Let’s count by fives! George looks like a bug! 5 antennas!
The dime is worth 10 cents so how many antennae will it have? Let’s count by fives! antennas!
The nickel is worth 5 cents so how many antennae will it have? Let’s count by fives! 5 Only 1 Antenna!
The penny is worth 1 cent so how many antennas will it have? Let’s count by fives! UH OH!! Pennies do not get an antenna because it is only worth 1 cent! We can count pennies just as they are! I want to look like a bug too!