CS 456 Advanced Algorithms Where: Engineering Bldg When: Monday & Wednesday 12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Texts: Algorithm Design, Jon Kleinberg & Eva Tardos Class Web Page: Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 11:00 a.m. – a.m. & 1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. in EB 1032
CS 456 – Advanced Algorithms Prerequisites: CS 340 or the equivalent with a C or better Weekly: Quizzes (10): No makeup quizzes - 2 lowest dropped Exams: One midterm & one final Late Policy: 40% deducted for late assignments – After one week, an assignment will not be accepted Written Assignments: Approximately seven – some may include small programming problems *All assignments are to be your own work, though it is okay to discuss assignments with other students and to search the web for information beyond what is provided in the text or class.
CS 456 – Advanced Algorithms What is this course? Advanced Algorithms is not just a rehash of CS 340 – Algorithms & Data Structures This course will review some of the concepts in CS 340 and cover some in greater depth, including proofs that some of the algorithms are correct. Students are expected to know the material from CS 340 and to have the ability to review those concepts and algorithms not covered in class. Review the concept of asymptotic performance. Cover the Master Method that is used to determine the performance for recursive algorithms. Cover algorithmic techniques such as dynamic programming and randomized algorithms. Look at NP-Complete problems and the use of approximation algorithms