Export Marketing Veikko Laine The Customer / theory In a transaction, who is actually the Customer ? The Customer : - Is always right … - Is part of our business, not an outsider - Is a person (group of persons), not a company - Is not someone to match wits with - Is not dependent on us – but we on him - Is the fellow who makes it possible to pay our salaries - Is a human being like ourselves, with the same feelings and emotions - Is the life–blood of every business Quality ? - Is not so stupid as one may think, …but… External vs. Internal Customer - Is the King
Export Marketing Veikko Laine The Customer is the most important person in any business. Some may want to lure the Customer, but in the long run, - they are only luring themselves, sawing their own foot. -The Buyer needs two eyes, …the Seller can do with one… old chinese prowerb - Caveat emptor => Let the buyer be aware - Money distorts ”Buyer–Seller” role-distribution ”… got this invitation to a real- estate business seminar. Just wonder what it is good for …!? Europeans traded Manhattan for trinklets, glass beads etc. worth some 25 USD. The native indians just could not understand that one can attach ownership to Nature, Earth, Water, Rivers, Rain, Air, Space, Moon, Planets… This ownership thinking, was not in their culture. Honesty ?? Target: Win-Win => …symbiosis… The Customer / reality
Export Marketing Veikko Laine Pls. NOTE! Hence forward the ”CUSTOMER”, is understood to be as your ”CLIENT” The Customer / YOUR TARGET In Marketing: Your professional background => -”I am ( = actually.. ) the Customer”, ( but I must know how to live with this dichotomy) - I search for, & want the best fit for both of us: ”Need Solution” - However, it is my responsibility to be: more active of us ”two”, and to lead, direct and control our mutual transaction… - My counterpart (= ”the Customer”) has the ”right”, (= (s)he appreciates) to receive a …”Shakesparean theatre performance”
Export Marketing Veikko Laine Customer = ? …”Customers” (= C. relations) you find everywhere… …they are like grains of sand on a beach… As a human being, you have both external & internal Customers - As an external Customer you have the e.g. the environment, - the Nature Service it well, and it will serve you… - As an internal Customer, you have yourself, - your body and soul Or you can pollute your external Customer, the environment Service them well, and they will service you… Or, you can pollute your internal Customer, - yourself. - Your body - Your soul External & Internal …no man is an island… E. Hemingway
Export Marketing Veikko Laine Customer In Marketing, one key component is the Customer => … sine qua non … In succesful marketing, you must know this component. …t he better… the better Knowledge level (knowledge internalization) …(compare Yoga / Patanyali)… - I believe there is ”Customer” - I know, there is Customer - I can see the Customer - I am close to the Customer - I am with the Customer - ”I AM THE CUSTOMER” …”you do not know a person until you have walked in his moccasines”… old native American proverb