Ozone Season to Date (as of September 22, 2015) 2015 data is preliminary Tom Downs, CCM Chief Meteorologist Maine DEP
Maps of events with more than 4 exceedance sites are shown in the next slides
5/8/2015 event “Double hit” at Mt Washington - 82 ppb during the last 8-hour period of 5/8 and during the first 8-hour period of 5/9
6/11/2015 event (w/smoke in the area)
7/28-29/2015 event
8/15/2015 event
8/17/2015 event
9/2/2015 event
9/3/2015 event
9/8/2015 event
9/16/ sites in DC 6 sites in Maryland 2 sites in New Jersey 1 site in Pennsylvania 1 site in Michigan 2 sites in Virginia 1 site in Wisconsin
9/17/2015 (see next 2 slides) 8 sites in Connecticut 2 sites in Delaware 1 site in DC 4 sites in Maryland 1 site in Massachusetts 7 sites in New Jersey 9 sites in New York 8 sites in Pennsylvania
9/17/2015 (cont.)
9/18/2015 (see next 2 slides) 11 sites in Connecticut 4 sites in Maine 2 sites in Maryland 7 sites in Massachusetts 3 sites in New Hampshire 1 site in New Jersey 4 sites in New York 2 sites in Pennsylvania
9/18/2015 (cont.)
More detailed analyses for the OTC and other region (Midwest, South and Central) trends and 2015 events are on the following FTP site: