Chapter 11 PART 2 VHF Fourth Period Of CH11 Part Two Passage one Passage Two.


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Chapter 11 Marine Communication
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§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
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1 安全体系结构 曹天杰 中国矿业大学计算机科学与技术学院. 2 安全体系结构 安全体系结构的内容包括:提供安全服务与 有关安全机制在本系统下的一般描述,这些 服务和机制必须为本系统所配备;确定本系 统内部可以提供这些服务的位置。 一个信息系统安全体系结构的形成主要是根.
Presentation transcript:

Chapter 11 PART 2 VHF Fourth Period Of CH11 Part Two Passage one Passage Two

Passage One Distress Signal and Distress Frequency  While a ship is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance, she transmits signals SOS through radiotelex. If the operator uses a radio telephone instead he calls MAYDAY pronounce as the French Expression“m'aider” (means “help me”). Right after the distress signal follow the distress call and distress message. The distress message consists of the distress signal, the name and the call sign of the ship in distress ( so-called identification ), distress position in degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude, the nature of the distress, the type of assistance required, the other information useful for search and rescue.  Chapter 11 Part 2 VHF.doc Chapter 11 Part 2 VHF.doc

 The cases of distress for ships may depend upon different situations which ships encountered, such as stress of weather, neglectful duty of crew, incorrect operation of conning officers, and so on. Ships may suffer from fire, collision, explosion, disabled or adrift situation, flooding, listing, capsizing, grounding, so on and so forth. Provided that a ship strikes a rock and severe leakage is caused in the forward; the creak has several meters long causing a large quantity of water to flow in and it is beyond her reach to pump the water out. She is sinking suddenly. She can use any means on-board at crew's disposal to attract attention, make known her position and obtain help.

 For instance, she can make use of INMARSAT installations available, SART, flame rocket, lifeboat radio station EPIRB, VHF at any time. All stations, on receipt of distress alerting, must keep transmission silence unless they have messages concerning the casualty. In addition, they must keep continuous listening watch on all international distress frequencies, such as 500 kHz (MF Morse code), 2182 kHz (Voice or DSC), 8364 kHz (lifeboat frequency), MHz (VHF CH 16), the watch is especially relevant kHz forms an essential part of the Global Maritime Distress Safety Safety System (GMDSS). It has an associated DSC frequency at kHz. Other international distress frequencies, in use as of 2008, include:  MHz as the civil, and 243 MHz as the military aircraft emergency frequencies  Marine VHF radio Channel 16, (156.8 MHz) for short range maritime use  MHz used by the Cospas-Sarsat international satellite-based search and course (SAR) distress alert detection and information distribution system

 Wherever a distress call is picked up, the operator must submit to the master with the minimum delay and act upon his authority. Shipping in the vicinity should establish communication as direct and render such assistance as is required and appropriate.  VHF should be used correctly and according to the Radio Regulations. As VHF Channel 16 is used for distress, safety and urgency, a listening watch must be kept on Channel 16 at all times while the bridge is manned, except when the local regulations require a watch to be kept on another VHF channel and dual watch facilities are not available. The following in particular should be avoided:  1) Non-essential transmissions.  2) Transmitting without correct identification.  3) Use of offensive language, etc.

Vocabulary  Vocabulary  imminent [5iminEnt] adj. 即将来临的, 逼近的  neglectful [ni5^lektful] adj. 疏忽的  casualty [5kAVjuElti] n. 事故,遇险船舶或受伤的人  commercial [kE5mE:FEl] adj. 贸易的,商业上的;营业性的  submit to 提交  authority [C:5WCriti] n. 权威,威信;权力,权限,职权,权能  render [5rendE] vt. 呈递, 实施, 提供 vi. 给予补偿  offensive [E5fensiv] adj. 讨厌的, 无礼的, 攻击性的 n. 进攻, 攻势

NOTES  The distress message consists of the distress signal, the name and the call sign of the ship in distress (So-called identification), distress position in degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude, the nature of the distress, the type of assistance required, the other information useful for search and rescue.  遇险信息包括遇险信号,遇险船的名字和呼号,用经纬度和分来表示的 遇险位置,遇险性质,需要援助的类型和其他用于搜寻与营救的有用的 信息。  Wherever a distress call is picked up, the operator must submit to the master with the minimum delay and act upon his authority. Shipping in the vicinity should establish communication as direct and render such assistance as is required and appropriate.  无论在哪收到遇险信息,话务员应立刻毫不耽误地提交给船长,并根据 权限做出反应。附近的船舶应按要求建立通信联系,并按要求提供合适 的援助。

 As VHF Channel 16 is used for distress, safety and urgency, a listening watch must be kept on Channel 16 at all times while the bridge is manned, except when the local regulations require a watch to be kept on another VHF channel and dual watch facilities are not available.  因为甚高频 16 频道是用于遇险,安全和紧急的目的,所以 除非当地规则要求在另一 VHF 频道守听,或者驾驶台上无双 联设备的情况下, 只要驾驶台上有人值班,就必须在 16 频道 保持守听。

Passage Two Distress Radio Beacons  Distress radio beacons, also known as emergency beacons, are tracking transmitters which aid in the detection and location of boats, aircraft, and people in distress. Strictly, they are radiobeacons that interface with Cospas-Sarsat, the international satellite system for search and rescue (SAR). When activated, such beacons send out a distress signal that, when detected by non-geostationary satellites, can be located by trilateration. In the case of 406 MHz beacons which transmit digital signals, the beacons can be uniquely identified almost instantly (via GEOSAR), and furthermore, a GPS or GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System) position can be encoded into the signal. Often using the initial position provided via the satellite system, the distress signals from the beacons can be homed by SAR aircraft and ground search parties who can in turn come to the aid of the concerned boat, aircraft, or people. A PLB that can use either GLONASS or GPS location services. tracking transmittersboats aircraftdistressradiobeaconsCospas-Sarsatsatellite search and rescue distress signalnon-geostationarytrilateration406 MHzGEOSARGPSGLONASSencodedhomedGLONASSGPS

There are three types of distress radio beacons compatible with the Cospas-Sarsat system:  EPIRB 船用信标( EPIRB ) EPIRBs (emergency position- indicating radio beacons) signal maritime distress Emergency Locator Transmitter 航空信标( ELT ) ELTs (emergency locator transmitters) signal aircraft distress  Personal Locator Beacon 陆用个人信标( PLB ) PLBs (personal locator beacons) are for personal use and are intended to indicate a person in distress who is away from normal emergency servicesemergency services The basic purpose of distress radiobeacons is to get people rescued within the so-called “golden day” (the first 24 hours following a traumatic event) when the majority of survivors can still be saved.

 Since the inception of Cospas-Sarsat in 1982, distress radiobeacons have assisted in the rescue of over 22,000 people in more than 6,000 distress situations. In 2006, distress radiobeacons aided in the rescue of 1,881 people in 452 distress situations.  自 1982 年使用以来,共救助 22 , 000 人接警 6000 余 次。仅 2006 年,救助 1881 人接警 452 次。

Vocabulary  Vocabulary  interface [5intE(:)7feis] n. 分界面 ; vt. 交流, 交谈  activate [5Aktiveit] vt. 使活动,开动,起动,触发  non-geostationary satellite 非对地静止的人造卫星,非对地同步的人造卫星 non-geostationary  trilateration [trai7lAtE5reiFEn] n. [ 测 ] 三边测量 ( 术 ) trilateration  GEOSAR: Geostationary Earth Orbit Search and Rescue 对地静止的搜寻与营 救人造卫星  encode into 把 ( 电文 ) 译成电码 [ 密码 ].  traumatic [trC:5mAtik] adj. 外伤的,损伤的,创伤的  inception [in5sepFEn] n. 开始,发端  initial [i5niFEl] adj. 最初的  survivor [sE5vaivE] n. 幸存者  segment [5se^mEnt] n. 部分;分节;段;节  distribution [7distri5bju:FEn] n. 分配,分发,配给


Exercises II. Multiple Choices: 11. A radio medical advice service ______ships of all nationalities and no charge is made for this service. AA. is available to B. is available for CC. are available to D. are available for 22. A RADIO SIGNAL FROM A DISTRESSED VESSEL AUTOMATICALLY DIRECTED TO A RCC GIVING POSITION, IDENTIFICATION, COURSE AND SPEED OF THE VESSEL AS WELL AS THE NATURE OF DISTRESS is known as ______. AA. Distress alert B. Safety alert CC. Emergency alert D. General alert 33. What is the basic concept of GMDSS? ______ AA. Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situation BB. Shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alerted CC. Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delay DD. All of the above B A D

44. Which would be the subject of a NAVAREA warning? _____ AA. A drifting buoy sighted in mid-ocean. BB. Extinguishment of Wolf Trap Light located inside Chesapeake Bay. CC. All military exercises on the high seas involving four or more vessels. DD. Off-air times of radio beacons when scheduled for routine maintenance. 55. If you receive the signal over radiotelephone of "Romeo Papa Tango" while using the International Code of Signals, you should ______ . AA. report to the caller BB. repeat your last transmission CC. continue since he received your last transmission DD. end the transmission 66. Each Class A EPIRB shall be stowed in a manner which will permit_____. AA. easy access to its storage compartment BB. replacement of the battery without exposure to the weather CC. it to float free if the vessel sinks DD. it to remain attached to the vessel D B C

 7. One method of reducing the length of radio transmissions without distorting the meaning of your words is by using _______.  A. slang B. secret codes C. procedure words D. analogies  8. Proper GMDSS watch-keeping includes _________.  A. monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode  B. reading all displays and/or printouts after silencing an alarm  C. notifying the Master of any distress alerts  D. All of the above  9. The Class A EPIRB transmits a signal ________.  A. that follows the curvature of the earth  B. that can be picked up by SARSAT satellite  C. that activates an alarm on board nearby aircraft  D. to alert shore stations and then transmits a homing signal C D B

 10. The principal advantage of NAVTEX radio warnings is that _______.  A. they can be used by mariners who do not know Morse code  B. only an ordinary FM radio is necessary to receive these warnings  C. information on a given topic is only broadcast at specified times  D. they cover a broad spectrum of the radio band allowing reception on almost many types of receiver  11. Where should the GMDSS radio log be kept on board ship? ______  A. In the Captain’s office B. In the sea cabin  C. At the GDMSS operating position D. Anywhere on board the vessel  12. Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS distress alert?  _____ A. Read the display screen and/or printout  B. Silence the alarm  C. Listen for any follow up voice/telex transmission on the appropriate frequency  D. All of the above  Exercises.doc Exercises.doc A C D

 13. Which action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF? _____  A. Send a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70  B. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16 C. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13  D. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch- 22A  14. Which device provides the main means in the GMDSS for locating ships in distress or their survival craft? _____  A. Radio direction finder B. Satellite EPIRBs  C. MF/HF DSC D. VHF homing device  15. Proper GMDSS watchkeeping includes ______.  A. Understanding the GMDSS console’s normal operational indicators  B. Maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log  C. Responding to and comprehending alarms  D. All of the above B B B

 16. Which message categories cannot be disabled by the GMDSS radio operator? ____  A. Navigational Warnings B. Meteorological Warnings  C. Search and Rescue Information D. All of the above  17. Which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of transmitting locating signals? _____  A. Radio Direction Finder (RDF) B. An EPIRB transmitting on 406MHz  C. Survival Craft Transceiver D. A SART transmitting on 406MHz  18. Which statement concerning locating signals in the GMDSS is FALSE? _____  A. Locating signals are transmitted by survival craft VHF transceivers.  B. Locating signals are transmitted by SARTs.  C. Locating signals are intended to facilitate the finding of a distressed vessel or its survivors.  D. Locating signals are not transmitted by auto-alarm generators. B B D

 19. While operating off Panama a seaman is injured. What indicator should be included in the preamble of a radio telegram requesting medical advice from a Panamanian station? ____  A. RADIO MEDICAL B. DH MEDICO  C. XXX D. MEDRAD  20. You receive a call from the U.S. Coast Guard addressed to all stations. The call begins with the words Pan-Pan (3 times). Which type of emergency signal would this be? ____  A. Safety signal B. Urgency signal C. Distress signal D. Red alert signal B B

 II. Translate the following phrases:  1. 全球海上遇险与安全系统 2. 应急无线电示位标 3. 国际 海事卫星  4. 静止卫星 5. 搜救雷达应答器 6. 搜寻与营救 协调中心  7. 气象服务 8. 海上安全信息 9. 有关的权威 机构  10. 船舶的概位 11. 临时的特性 12. 数字选择 呼叫  13. 航海通告 14. 无线电航海警告 15. 英版航 海通告年度汇编  16. 地方当局 17. 在附近 18. 视觉和听觉 显示  19. 海上移动识别服务 20. 遇险信号

 II. Translate the following phrases:  1. GMDSS: Global Maritime Distress and Safety System  2. EPIRB: emergency position indicating radio beacon  3.INMARSAT: International Maritime Satellite  4. Geostationary satellites 5. SART: Search and Rescue TransponderSearch and Rescue Transponder  6.Rescue Co-ordination Centre(RCC) 7. meterorological service  8. maritime safety information(MSI) 9. authorities conderned  10. approximate position 11.temporary nature 12. Digital Selective Calling (DSC)  13.Notices to Mariners 14.Radio Navigational Warnings  15.Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners  16.the local authorities the vicinity 18.visual and aural indication  19. MMSI( Maritime Mobile Service Identity) 20.distress signal