Capitalization Use Capitals for the following: – First words “Today we are reviewing material.” – Proper nouns “Miss, we were outside playing basketball,” said Eddie and Manny. – Proper adjectives A lot of students wear Converse sneakers as part of their uniform. – Titles Principal Jimenez gave a speech during announcements.
Nouns Common nouns – Names any one of a class of people, places, or things. (novelist, continent, city, planet) Proper nouns – Names a specific person, place, or thing. (Marjane Satrapi, North America, Chicago, Jupiter)
Pronouns Words that act as stand-ins for nouns or for words that take the place of nouns Examples: I, me, my, he, him, his, myself, yourself, that, which, who, whom, whose, this, that, these, those.
Sentences Simple sentences – Express only one main idea. “The students wanted to play football. The rainstorm made it impossible to play.” Compound sentences – Contain two or more complete ideas. “The students wanted to play football, but the rainstorm made it impossible to play.” Complex sentences – Contain an independent clause with one main idea and one or more subordinate clauses with less important ideas. “Although the students wanted to play football, the rainstorm made it impossible to play.”
Sentences Continued Declarative – A sentence that makes a statement. “This product whitens and brightens your teeth.” Interrogative – A sentence that asks a question. “Do you need a new bicycle?” Exclamatory – A sentence that expresses strong emotion. “Reeses is pretty much the most delicious candy in the world!” Imperative – A sentence that gives a command. “Do your homework!”